Hii everyone! I'm new here... and I wanted to introduce myself, and I thought I'd maybe ask a question and add on an "oh by the way I'm new here"... but
I have no questions. ^^;
This... is starting to get awkward.

Anyways... I got Aquaria as part of the Humble Bundle and I love it! I started with World of Goo because of the low system requirements and my horrid, horrid computer (and the fact that it was the only game in the Humble Bundle that I had even heard of before) so it was a surprise when I installed Aquaria... and it ran more smoothly. o.o
Soo now I
love Aquaria and thought I'd join in on the fun in the forums! I'm not actually done with the game yet; I was in the Sun Temple today when I told myself I needed to stop playing Aquaria to do something more productive. Look where I am now. >_<
Okies, this is going to turn into an essay if I don't stop here.

Now let's hope I'm not one of those people who post one post and never visit a forum again.