Well, I was without internet for much of the day (my equivalent to being trapped on a desert island), so I was playing Aquaria to pass the time. I decided to go to the Frozen Veil to just swim around, and was screwing around there for about a half-hour.
I noticed that the Otters in that area were holding cooking ingredients. I saw one with a Plant Leaf, another with a slab of Fish Meat, and one of them had some Hot Soup. Curious, I tried finding ways to get the otters to drop what they were carrying.
I tried singing, shooting, and other things. I eventually found out, though, that in order to get them to drop the item, you need to dash into them twice. Not just bump into them, but dash into them at full speed.
Don't believe me? Here:
Aquaria: Otter FoodIt's an incredibly inefficient means of getting food, obviously. The otters don't respawn the food until you leave the area, and the food items are easily acquirable by other means.
Still, it gave me satisfaction to figure it out. I'm not sure if this is common knowledge or not, but since I didn't find anything here about it, I decided to post my findings.
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