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Author Topic: New Aquaria Review  (Read 6504 times)

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Offline Nightmareshadow

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New Aquaria Review
« on: June 16, 2010, 08:55:30 pm »
This is sort of a shameless plug, but I figured who else should I share this with besides the people who love this game as much as me?

I recently became a freelance writer for suite101 and decided to put up a review for Aquaria that highlights it's best features.

It's been a while since I've played, but you never really forget Aquaria, right?

Anyway, here it is.


I couldn't get a picture of Aquaria for commerical use, which is what the site is kind of about, so I chose something equally underwatery.  If anyone thinks I missed something in this review, feel free to comment here or on the review.

I guess that's it.  Still hoping for Aquaria 2, someday...
I'll keep asking for an Aquaria sequel until we get it, the sequel to the greatest Indie game of all times, and one of the greatest games period.

Offline Echolocating

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Re: New Aquaria Review
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2010, 09:36:39 pm »
I'm all for spreading the word on this amazing game.

As far as things that might be missing from your article... the game runs on Linux as well. Also, the music is supposedly top-notch (I played the game with the volume turned down, unfortunately); they have a CD you can order with the full soundtrack.

It was also a part of the Humble Indie Bundle, which was hugely successful. People are still talking about it so your article might get more attention if you include a little blurb about that. The game is also open source now so there's a huge show of generosity from Alec and Derek there, which resonates with the gaming community.

There is an official media kit for Aquaria so I have no idea why you can't use screen shots to supplement your article.

Other than that, the article is pretty good. ;)

Offline Echolocating

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Re: New Aquaria Review
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2010, 01:48:02 am »
I see my suggestions found their way into your article already. You're welcome, Stephen.