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Author Topic: Aquaria Editor Changes  (Read 18069 times)

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Offline Dolphin's Cry

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Re: Aquaria Editor Changes
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2010, 11:11:59 am »
Looks great :) Will you share it with us when it is ready ?
Sure, for a certain value of ready. ;) My original motivation for researching the Aquaria file formats was to create a mod editor, or in the case of Tide a "mod(est) editor". Aquaria already has a built-in editor for maps and animations, but there is nothing to help new users a create a mod. You have to create certain files and directories before you can start, and mostly this is done via copy&paste. Tide was supposed to fill in that blank by automating these menial tasks. :)

Right now I would be content if it would read all the mod files correctly without crashing on broken files. For the sake of making some progress with the level rendering, I have neglected the error handling. Now that's becoming a pain in the neck. ;)
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Offline Dolphin's Cry

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Re: Aquaria Editor Changes
« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2010, 11:17:21 am »
As an aside, Entities are stored as [ent_id+" "+x+" "+y+" "+r+" "+groupid+" "+scene_id+" "]* in the mapfile.
ent_id is a reference to the scripts/entities/entities.txt list,
x y r are coordinates and rotation (0-360 degrees = 0 to 12 o'clock) as used in tiles or nodes,
scene_id seems to be a unique id in the map.
Not sure what the groupid is used for ingame, or where the flags are stored.
Cool, thanks for the info. I expect the flags to be stored in the save files.
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Offline Dolphin's Cry

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Re: Aquaria Editor Changes
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2010, 02:23:20 pm »
The format for entities that are not referenced in the entities.txt file seems to be a bit different. Apparently the ent_id value is replaced by "-1 "+ent_name, where ent_name is the name of the entity, i.e. the name of its script file with the ".lua" extension.
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Offline Guy

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Re: Aquaria Editor Changes
« Reply #18 on: May 25, 2010, 03:12:40 am »
I don't know what group id for entities is but the editor used to allow you to set a group number for nodes. It was removed though because it didn't actually do anything.


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Re: Aquaria Editor Changes
« Reply #19 on: May 25, 2010, 09:03:41 pm »
I don't know what group id for entities is but the editor used to allow you to set a group number for nodes. It was removed though because it didn't actually do anything.
Yeah, that sounds like a leftover UI element. Neither Paths (having only name attr) nor their contained list of Node elements (with x,y,width,height and shape id) seem to store a groupid attribute.

I wonder if the mentioned "-1 fallbackname" id syntax works for tiles as well.