Loom was great, I agree. It's really very hard to fully appreciate PC games from that long ago as much now, though. One of the things that makes Aquaria special is that, although simple, it really is beautiful. That just wasn't an option back then - except for us Amiga users

- but because we were comparing it to everything else prior to its arrival, it sort of took a grander place in my memory than it otherwise would.
That's the danger with all of those sorts of euphoric recall types of things. You ever make the mistake of going back and actually watching some of the Saturday morning cartoons that so fascinated us as kids? With very few exceptions (old Looney Tunes, for example) they were just utter crap, but I remember them as magic.
Going back and watching the original Knight Rider now makes it obvious why the relaunch failed: it was WAY too much like the original, and the original was, frankly, awful. I *worshiped* Knight Rider as a kid, and my memories are still extremely positive, but I went back and watched some episodes on Hulu recently, and... WOW. Without nostalgia, that show was