Hi, super noob here, and on my second try at noobishness as I realized while I was rushing through energy level that I had missed a ton of stuff previously and needed to go back. I was approaching the game with entirely the wrong attitude, and I've started over this evening with much more of a 'check it all out and enjoy it' sort of vibe that's working well. And I've become the best fish basher EVAH -- even got that bastard grouper who was eating my spoils to shove off after I beat him about his big ol' head for awhile. I also rode the seahorse, found an ancient turtle and...and...yes, well...so. Did I tell you I'm new?
This is an entrancing game and I look forward to a long, slow, enjoyable affair with it for many hours to come. And one day I'll learn to shoot fish instead of bash them, but for now, they're mincemeat!