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Author Topic: new to using the map ,maker in game...lots of stupid questions  (Read 11271 times)

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So even when I go back through to review thats in game...it still doesn't want to let me add the complete creature list and usually the terrain type is fairly limited is there something I do to fix this?
May have figured out how to fix this. http://aquariawiki.ryanballantyne.name/wiki/index.php/FAQ this place rocks my Aquarium.  :P
And if I wanted to make a creature race say. How would I change the player to one of the fish? Like I have a menu I'd like to put together, You'd go into the mod and then there'd be a few schools of the various fish types. I'd want to hide some of the better ones, like the eel or dolphin. Make a baby turtle available perhaps hidden elsewhere as playable some of the pets and their abilities and set it up so she would go to them like a seat or a save crystal and then the screen would black out you'd be a fish with the fast swim ability. I might want to make it so each win would unlock certain other abilities, like giving the fish she beat it with bite or glow. Though might make the Dumbo Squid a hidden creature. Unlocks might also give Naija her abilities instead. Allowing her to go unlock puzzles to get better creatures to race with. Might even put Nautilus prime in order to unlock a nautilus race. to upgrade to a red nautilus you'd have to beat it. The Dumbo Squid would unlock a race in the deep. Here however the other racers would be bigger, dangerous. All willing to eat a competetor. With the exception of the glow eels. which I would include at least one. These were nigh impossible to kill in the game and a great friend to Naija as they offered her light.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2010, 10:31:48 pm by Tullehar »


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Re: new to using the map ,maker in game...lots of stupid questions
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2010, 10:40:42 pm »
might unlock her beast form shots along with the bite notion too. Or just give the fish the charge from her fire form so they can knock competators out of the way or even defend themselves in the deep. The forms would work like items, you'd equip which one you wanted like the pets. Though this is all just a dream right now, much beyond my ability to do at the moment.

Offline Yogoda

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Re: new to using the map ,maker in game...lots of stupid questions
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2010, 11:38:02 pm »
So you would like to play a fish instead of playing Naija ?

It's an interesting idea, but not straightforward to script. In the Angry Li mod you have an example how to completely replace Naija and change the gameplay. If you want to put time and effort in making this mod, I can help you getting started with the scripts ;)

However there will be quite a lot of scripting after that, so is it something you feel comfortable with ?


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Re: new to using the map ,maker in game...lots of stupid questions
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2010, 02:22:09 am »
yeah actually. It would help me learn the system rather massively. Though according to a lot of other threads there are a number of entities that cause the editor to crash.

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Re: new to using the map ,maker in game...lots of stupid questions
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2010, 01:39:00 pm »
Yes, when you create your own entities and you kill them, it will make the editor crash randomly. To get around this problem, I hide and disable them instead. But if you use entities that are in Aquaria, there is no problem.


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Re: new to using the map ,maker in game...lots of stupid questions
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2010, 01:18:10 am »
good to know doing some research on how the Angry Li mod was done. However this would be more complicated as the races are more like....additional fish forms, whose abilities get better and better. But none of the fish forms have abilities....so its going to take a good deal of time to figure out.

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Re: new to using the map ,maker in game...lots of stupid questions
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2010, 10:37:48 pm »
Ok, here is the skeleton for your mod :)


menu (I have the French patch)

Hit escape in-game and it will bring a menu where you can choose a second form. I've done most of the complex scripting part, you don't need to understand all the code. Now you can quite easily add new forms, script abilities, and change the way they move.

Good luck !
« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 09:39:03 am by Yogoda »


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Re: new to using the map ,maker in game...lots of stupid questions
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2010, 10:35:24 am »
<3 omy goodness thankee!! Tis motivational...I'll start working on maps. I've kinda been drunk so...sorry about that.

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Re: new to using the map ,maker in game...lots of stupid questions
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2010, 06:36:48 am »
<3 omy goodness thankee!! Tis motivational...I'll start working on maps. I've kinda been drunk so...sorry about that.



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Re: new to using the map ,maker in game...lots of stupid questions
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2010, 02:15:20 am »
...sorry I know its been a while. Trying to figure things out but it can be confusing sometimes. Would love to upload the world map but unsure if that would work well.