For some reason, some treasures are collectable , but some are not. Whenever I go up to a treasure, it will play the music and zoom in like it's supposed to, but it won't show up in my inventory.
I have collected these treasures without any issue:
Jelly Beacon
Krotite Armor
Crab Armor
Mithalas Pot
Arnassi Armor
Mithalas Armor
Mithalas Doll
Seed Bag
However, these treasures refuse to show up in my inventory:
Urchin Costume
Jelly Costume
Mithalan Dress
Glowing Seed
Is there any sort of solution to this problem? I honestly don't really care about not being able to get some of the purely decorative treasures, but it irks me a little that I'm not able to use the abilities of two of the suits.