My review on direct2drive:
Beats all 3D games hands down!
This is one of the best games I've seen a very long time. This game proves the games DO NOT need to be 3D. 2D games can be better than 3D and this game shows it. I cannot think of one thing that needs improving with this game. Graphics, music, gameplay control, and storyline are all perfect. This game is perfect for any age. If there ever is a sequel I would pay $70.00 for it. This game is a must have.
Rating Description
out of 10 click here for ratings guide
10 Presentation
I wish more people knew about this gem. All aspects of this game are perfect. Storyline is mysterious which makes you play it non stop.
10 Graphics
I honestly think these 2D graphics beat almost all 3D graphic games hands down. Hand drawn art gives this game full marks on visual beauty. I wish more game developers would realize that 2D works.
10 Sound
Music is so great that I want it on my MP3 player to listen to before I goto sleep. I cannot think of a game score that rivals this one.
10 Gameplay
Great puzzle and explore game. Suitable for all ages. Storyline is mysterious and is equivalent to your favourite novel. The controls feel like you're really swimming. Mod ability is a bonus too.
10 Lasting Appeal
You know something is great when you see people asking how much of the game is done once they're done the intro. This game is like the book you never want to end. I hope they make a sequel.
I wish there wasn't a 200 word limit on some of the areas. I dislike how most mainsteam game companies all jumped on the 3D bandwaggon and forgot that 2D games work! When you have perfect 2D (with depth) graphics along with great music/sound and the best controls and great storyline it will always beat out the generic unoriginal 3D crap that gets tossed out into the market all the time. I'm an old NES 8bit fan and I hate that everyone forgot that a 2D games do have their place.
Thanks you guys for making a great non 3D game in a 3D game fad era. I wish I knew about this game a few years ago. I will be telling every other gamer I know to go buy it. I really hope you guys get back together to make a sequel!! If you do all it needs it more story line, few new areas, a couple new forms, etc.