Ok, I know this issue can be fixed within the .xml file for the specific map (dd2bfe.xml to be exact in this case) but how to find it, even the x y co-ordinates to coincide with what the editor says for the location of the text that is missing in v1.1.1
I took two videos and uploaded them to my youtube account to show the difference of the SAME EXACT mod running in v1.0.3 and v1.1.1
here is v1.0.3:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28065S7mHPshere is v1.1.1:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-Ia_xMnD_IAnyone know of an easy way of fixing this problem? You can see by a comparison of the two videos it's the large water texture that is missing that I'm using for light layer.
Final Edit [Resolved issue]: Ok somewhere in Alec's change from v1.0.3 to v1.1.1 the water tileset was renamed to water-sprite, so I had to change that in my tileset to reflect the internal .png name change. ugh thanks Alec for more troubleshooting. I was wondering why it works 100% in v1.0.3 but not in v1.1.1

Anyways, hopefully some day you'll come back to adding things here and there on Aquaria for the modding side of the house. IE, a working compass, and a lock edit mode so that others can't just teleport themselves around your maps.
Edit: video links currently broken, I used fraps for the videos and apparently youtube couldn't convert them and thus failed even though giving me a success and a link to nothing. I think I'll just make pictures and post them instead. :/