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Author Topic: how do i use the fast switching feature if i have a mac mini and no keypad  (Read 10444 times)

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Offline bobgroz

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could someone tell me in detail how to set up my keyboard to use the fast switching feature. i have a mac. it does not have a numeric keypad. i have numeric keys but no numeric keypad.
somebody said something about an xml file. I saw the file in one of the posts and it listed all the keys and assigned values like "song 1" and "song 2"  I don't know the song names to put in the xml file to use fast switching on a mac. could somebody please give me detailed information on what the song names are and how to assign them in that xml file?  it is SO HARD to play this without fast switching. I might even have to buy this for PC and play it there because my pc has numeric keypad. why isn't there more documentation for this game? why isn't there a manual or something that tells you this stuff. the documentation is very lame. Could somebody list the song names in this post? I don't remember what they are called. Thank you.,,,,

thank you for your help.


Offline SevenMass

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As far as I know, the Num-pad isn't used in the first place, only the alpha-pad number keys.
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Offline Sindhi

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If you search for stuff on the forum you can find lots of info; for instance, searching for keyboard equivalents should get you a long list of info on which number leys correspond to which forms and other functions; esc for the little menu, "q" for the map, and so on. On the keyboard press 1-8 for forms (instead of singing; especially useful in boss battles), 9 for shield, 0 for the bind spell, and so on. If nothing happens when you press a key, then you don't have that form yet. I love "r" to make her roll ( to suck in food, while spamming schools of fish; to release her from bosses ), which works on my full Aquaria but didn't on the demo version. Don't know if Mac's work the same as PC's in keyboard functions, though. Welcome to the forums.
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Offline sadron

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It's kind of your fault for using an inferior computer anyway.
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Offline SevenMass

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It's kind of your fault for using an inferior computer anyway.

You mean inferior keyboard!
« Last Edit: July 07, 2009, 09:33:21 am by SevenMass »
Power to (the) MAS(ses)


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I'm on a mac book pro, so I know what you are talking about. But your number keys are sufficient. I'm sure by now you've probably discovered this

Offline Jekyll Grim Payne

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I use a gamepad. I think mouse+keyboard sucks, as this doesn't give me enough flexibility and it's much less convenient when singing (mouse may be precise, but much, much slower). I always sing manually (with an analog stick) to switch forms and, you know, it's actually very quick, when you have enough training. Besides, singing is not strict, you can sing an unnecessary note, and this'll work anyway (e.g. you have to sing D, F, G, H to change to the Dual form, but just moving analong stick through D to H (thus singing E too) works just as well).

I know I didn't give any answer, so forgive my blabbing :)
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 10:08:13 pm by Jekyll Grim Payne »