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Author Topic: stronge crab  (Read 21951 times)

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Offline Sindhi

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Re: stronge crab
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2009, 08:55:57 pm »
Thank you! Yeah, I have eight of most great things like divine soup, royal and magic soup, healing and arcane poultices, tough cakes, turtle soup, spicy rolls, both pirogis plus the ingredients to make more, and I just got the extra cooking slot to make three ingredient stuff on the fly (Simon Says made it really easy finally). Four pages of foodstuffs. Just need to keep trying I guess; I'm not real good at dodging those big red balls. My mouse doesn't click right; need to press the clicker sometimes two or three times before it reacts, especially when I'm trying to fire and move at the same time; Naija just sits there and takes a hit because the mouse is bad. Also I'm not so hot at using the keyboard and mouse at the same time. My new mouse probably arrived while I'm in Portland this weekend and when I get home it will be waiting for me and Naija won't need to keep dying, although it's always pleasant to see her lovely face in close-up, much more beautiful than the little Naija body we see from a distance. If I weren't so bloody stubborn I wouldn't keep playing with a bad mouse, I would wait patiently for it, but I can't seem to stay away from this game.....
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Re: stronge crab
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2009, 04:08:07 pm »
Sort of, it heals you up to half of your maximum health, so if you've got enough health upgrades and can stay out of the line of fire for a few seconds, you wont need to chew on healing food.
That is, as long as you have it equipped..

Also, it only works in song form, since all your armors disappear when transformed.


I'm a kind of surprised you keep playing with such a bad mouse. Doesn't it just get really frustrating?
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 04:10:24 pm by SevenMass »
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Re: stronge crab
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2009, 06:15:03 pm »
I never get frustrated for more than a few seconds.  I do a kind of meditation that makes you really happy; sort of like being stoned but straight at the same time. I managed to get three or four treasures; not real tough with a bad mouse, and defeat the jelly boss and simon says, so it's not all bad; I'm having a good time, and going home today so I will get my new mouse and go after the veil crab/shrimp and the "speed run" of whale lamps and the Arnassi seahorse track. I must be really lucky; nailed the sun temple worm in one go with my bad m0use! It sort of adds to the satisfaction of accomplishing anything, a bit like how my Teacher beat the pants off me at ping pong using a ketchup bottle, left-handed. And I'm actually pretty good....he says we have only two jobs in this world: to take nothing seriously, and to get maximum enjoyment out of every moment. Yee-hah!
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Offline Sindhi

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Re: stronge crab
« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2009, 06:07:12 pm »
Wow, even with a great new mouse and jelly armor I still can't kill this dude. I've skewered him a couple of times but can't seem to master binding the red bomb and shooting a briar and getting him into the lower bubble before the bomb goes off. Even with jelly armor I keep dying, or running back to the save crystal to start over (okay, falling down to the water and jumping back to the crystal). I've been taking detours to get the dumbo octopus pet (wow, it's helpful in the abyss and the dark path to the chimney to the right-hand rukh egg) & stock up on rukh eggs; have 8 eggs and 8 legendary cakes; I wall-jump to the egg, either get it or not (swear at the computer), dive, pop into the sun temple and out again, back to the chimney.,....  Boy, getting the eggs is harder than I thought; I got the first four with no trouble and then four times in a row I accidentally jumped off the cliff jumping around trying to collect the egg; it's hard to jump just a little in any form. Tried to bind it and take it somewhere safer than the edge of the cliff, but it doesn't bind; when it's in the nest you can't see it. Anyway, has anyone ever used the legendary cake with the shrimp mantis? I fooled around with the spirit form and was able to regain some health but it's slow going; easier to just eat some defensive and healing food. This binding the bomb tactic certainly takes a lot of practice.
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Offline Align

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Re: stronge crab
« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2009, 07:17:14 pm »
It's just hard, I guess. Took me half an hour, and I've played video games since forever...

Offline Doctorpeter

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Re: stronge crab
« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2009, 09:33:16 pm »
not that hard i used crab armor and healing food and defensive food so i bind a bomb throw a charged natural form shot then go a bit away a when hi is down dive near him i get hurt but he also then i eat the food i said..., and repit the third time he is dead.Just be patient and practice, i don't think you should need 8 legendary cakes maybe just some heal items and use then a lot if you are not lucky.but good luck¡¡¡you have almost finished everything i still think you need the second memory is in the sun temple doing some climbing in the gears inside.

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strange crab
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2009, 12:32:45 am »
I found out why I couldn't get the tadpoles; my pet kept killing them when I jumped into the bubble, so I switched to the dumbo pet.

Thank you; I don't know why this guy is so hard for me. I beat the sun worm in one try. I just beat the golem on the second try and finished the sunken city; played in the body enough to get three of the four spirits and saw Li, but couldn't find the fourth one and then died horribly. Need to get more health! I will keep trying with the mantis shrimp. I did try the Legendary cakes (3 of them) with the golem; was up high and then I read it's better to be low down; anyway, I went around and saved and replenished everything and will head back to the ice mantis soon. It takes me longer sometimes; I've spent way more than half an hour on the "strange crab" all together. I appreciate the support. I doubt I will go for the sun temple memory; I don't seem to get the memories, or get part of them only. It will be interesting to see what happens at the end.
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Re: stronge crab
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2009, 01:03:34 pm »
In the end you will do it.also i recomend you in the body each time you save a spirit coming back to the save cristal it will save you time.On a side note i will tellyou that the first time was really hard for me to end this game so i needed also a lot of help.just i hope you have fun

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Re: stronge crab
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2009, 10:28:48 pm »
Thank you; I will take your advice. I didn't die running around getting the spirits, it was going to the big purple blobs that did it. Sometimes I snuck by the green guys shooting yellow energy things and the magenta guys with electric zaps, and sometimes I fought them, but they weren't too bad; just time and food consuming. I kinda ignored the grey crabs too, in shielded jelly armor, and bulked up on food. They're not that fast. I just couldn't find the fourth spirit before I found Li in the bubble, and when I went out instead of going toward the fourth spirit I went somewhere else, figuring this was just a practice run anyway (as I need to kill that bubble cave crab first), and died horribly. Need to consult Momruoy's maps before going in again. Hey, it's all fun!
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Re: stronge crab
« Reply #24 on: June 10, 2009, 12:12:38 am »
hi more help here is a video with the boss battle:


Another thing could be useful to better use in the boss battle the keyboard. i thing number 0 was to grab the bombs and number 4 to change to nature form the right alt button is for charge and arrows to move in this boss i found it easier this way because sometimes with the mouse i went very far from this  middle bubble.

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Re: stronge crab
« Reply #25 on: June 10, 2009, 06:15:03 am »
my God, he makes it seem so easy in the  video! I am already using the keyboard shortcuts and they are helpful but I am still not fast enough to get him into the bubble before the bomb goes off. I'll keep trying, thanks.
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Offline Sindhi

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Re: stronge crab
« Reply #26 on: June 13, 2009, 06:55:03 am »
Finally got the bubble cave crab; didn't realize he was taking damage until he fell apart. Didn't use any food, just kept running back to save in between taking hits while in nature form. Thank you everyone for your help. Now I'm in the body; where is that fourth spirit? I'll ask on a new thread. Getting close to the finish line.
"You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather."  Pema Chodron