A couple of gameplay bugs I found while playing:
1: When using spirit form to absorb enemy shots, shots that were fired from critters you have already killed cannot be absorbed, but can still hurt you in spirit.
2: When in the veil, and you pick up a rock and jump out of the water with it, the rock will follow you for a second out of the water, then go flying in a random direction, and can land almost anywhere on the map.
3: When approaching those orange zapping jellies, if you speed burst at them in any form but beast or fish, they usually get bumped at a certain speed out of the way. If you burst toward them while they are zapping, occasionally they will get bumped out of the way, but then start zooming around the map very speedily, stopping only to zap, then continue zooming around.
4: When in the bright waters, on the map there is four easily perceivable entrance/exits to this area, but on the minimap, there is a map indicator for a fifth area on the middle right, somewhere to the right of the current going up the right side of the map. Screenshot included.
5: When in Mithalas City, the closest house to the Mithalas Palace on the bottom right, if you go inside the house, and swim down to the very bottom of the house, the minimap lights up again and you can see part of another part of the map waaay down to the bottom on the minimap.
6: In the very last area, after killing the creator, and finding all the lost memories, there is a spiral passageway that leads to Mia. Down at the very bottom of this map is a small chamber. How do you get to it, and what is it for?