I never said he SHOULD put the in game Naija graphic on front, I only said what would be the best way. I personally like normal art over gameplay being on the box, it's pretty much how EVERY game is.
Like... see it in front of you, Naija just swimming there, Li/mysterious diver in the right side of background working on the submarine. Naija having a pet (prolly nautilus) with her, while enemies, and maybe such Creator statue is on the left side. Pretty much like what Marc made, instead of Naija, have Li. And instead of The Stone, Naija. I think that would be very nice box art.
Also, I'm not saying your box art looks bad, Marc (before I get blamed for that), It's just... the rock, it's not in there. Further it looks brilliant.
But all in all, I'd say Derek should make it either way, if the game ever gets there.