I'm kind of surprised this one hasn't popped up anywhere on these forums:
Odell Down Under. In middle school (grades 6-8 and around 1997 for me), this was a really popular game. The basic idea was that you're a fish that swims around eating stuff to survive. If you didn't eat for a while or you ate something poisonous to your species, you'd lose health or energy, and if something ate you, well... There were a ton of species you could be, and each had its own set of enemies and favored, loathed, and toxic foods, and some had special abilities like shooting ink or shocking stuff. I don't know how, but I must have spent hours whizzing around the reef eating random things. Oh, and that link above shows the title screen which is vaguely remeniscent of Aquaria's until the 15-second mark. You'll see why!

Silver, I just checked out the website for Uru. Is it as interesting to explore as it looks? And are the puzzles still Myst-style? I never got into Myst, but I do enjoy point-and-click games.