... panned the Veil into the centre of the screen...
This, this part right here. How? When I'm on the map, I can only zoom out or in with the mouse roller. Do you click-drag? Arrow keys? Mayhaps it only works in windowed mode. Or did I misinterpret, and this part was handled by the screenshot tool on the Mac. But then shouldn't the background be of the upper left part of the Simon area?
To get to that chimney (I'm thinking you mean the one that looks like a mouth, outside the western Sun Temple exit), there is a much easier way. Just jumping at it normally in Beast Form, with a speed assist, is enough to do it.
In terms of getting to the lower Ruhk nest, well... that's harder. Only two people have reported doing it I think. If you can reliably perform the power jump, do tell, though.