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Offline critvonmak

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Naija's High Jump
« on: March 02, 2009, 06:48:42 am »
I was playing around shooting, eating and drowning the monkeys on Monkey Island in the Vail. While doing this I was suddenly able to do this one spectacularly high jump out of the water. You can see the trajectory of the jump on the screen capture below -- it's the white area that reaches high above the water in the Western Vail. Apart from monkeys Naija hadn't eaten anything to give her this tremendous energy boost.  I can't remember what form Naija was in, but it was either energy form or beast form.

The problem is, I haven't been able to repeat what I did that led up to this huge high jump. Has anybody else experienced this? Does anybody know how to repeat this behavior? Or was it just a bug?

Offline Zeke

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Re: Naija's High Jump
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2009, 07:42:18 am »
The Veil is a little wonky like that sometimes.  I haven't seen that happen with no precursor behavior before, but it can happen pretty easily enough with just a little push.  Or, you could give it a bit of a boost.  Or some rocket fuel.

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Re: Naija's High Jump
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2009, 07:44:21 am »
This is the first time I've seen it happen in open waters, but it is repeatable. Travel to the right of the left Veil section, bind a rock, carry it out of the water onto the little hollow there, and unbind. If you jump around enough in that tiny space, you'll warp to a fairly random high point in the map. :)

[EDIT]: Zeke's fast.  ;)

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Re: Naija's High Jump
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2009, 07:51:12 am »
That's what she said!

... Wait, what?  ???

And remember, kids, "All you get from killing monkeys is a deep sense of shame." - Alec

Hmm.   Looking at your screenshot, it seems like you took it while you were battling good ol' Simon there.  Wearing your Seahorse Costume, no less.  But how did you get your map to zoom in that far to the Veil section when you were down in the Kelp Forest?  If I'm there and scroll out far enough to see the Veil, it's very small, and I can't zoom in centered on any other point than where I am.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2009, 07:59:31 am by Zeke »

Offline critvonmak

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Re: Naija's High Jump
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2009, 08:36:04 am »
Hmm.   Looking at your screenshot, it seems like you took it while you were battling good ol' Simon there.  Wearing your Seahorse Costume, no less.  But how did you get your map to zoom in that far to the Veil section when you were down in the Kelp Forest?  If I'm there and scroll out far enough to see the Veil, it's very small, and I can't zoom in centered on any other point than where I am.
I was waiting for my wife to come home and complete the Simon task for me  -- I'm never going to get it.  To get the screen capture I ran Aquaria in Window mode, switched to map view, panned the Veil into the centre of the screen and took a selection screen shot of just the Veil area with a screen capture app called Grab that comes with OS X.

I was thinking if I could repeat the power jump, but with some control, it would get me up to the base of the chimney in the centre island of the Veil and the birds nest below the top nest on the right hand side of the Veil.

Offline Zeke

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Re: Naija's High Jump
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2009, 08:40:03 am »
... panned the Veil into the centre of the screen...
  This, this part right here.  How?  When I'm on the map, I can only zoom out or in with the mouse roller.  Do you click-drag?  Arrow keys?  Mayhaps it only works in windowed mode.  Or did I misinterpret, and this part was handled by the screenshot tool on the Mac.  But then shouldn't the background be of the upper left part of the Simon area?

To get to that chimney (I'm thinking you mean the one that looks like a mouth, outside the western Sun Temple exit), there is a much easier way.  Just jumping at it normally in Beast Form, with a speed assist, is enough to do it.

In terms of getting to the lower Ruhk nest, well... that's harder.  Only two people have reported doing it I think.  If you can reliably perform the power jump, do tell, though.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2009, 08:45:07 am by Zeke »

Offline critvonmak

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Re: Naija's High Jump
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2009, 08:58:09 am »
When I'm on the map, I can only zoom out or in with the mouse roller.  Do you click-drag?  Arrow keys?  Mayhaps it only works in windowed mode.  Or did I misinterpret, and this part was handled by the screenshot tool on the Mac.  But then shouldn't the background be of the upper left part of the Simon area?

Right click on the map and then drag it around to pan. It works in full screen and in windowed mode. If that doesn't work for you maybe it's a Mac thing? I'm using version 1.1.0 of Aquaria.

To get to that chimney (I'm thinking you mean the one that looks like a mouth, outside the western Sun Temple exit), there is a much easier way.  Just jumping at it normally in Beast Form, with a speed assist, is enough to do it.
That was plan B -- after discovering the benefits of hot soup in the gauntlet.

In terms of getting to the lower Ruhk nest, well... that's harder.  Only two people have reported doing it I think.  If you can reliably perform the power jump, do tell, though.

I'll report back if I can work it out.

Offline Zeke

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Re: Naija's High Jump
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2009, 09:13:04 am »
ARGGH.  I feel so stupid.  I assumed that if it wasn't left-click and drag, and it wasn't middle-click and drag, then it wasn't an option.  That would have been so nice to know on my first playthrough of the game.   >:(  Thanks for the pointer anyway!