Hello, a new poster here. I've played the demo a number of times, and I have a couple of only-vaguely-related things to say, but I guess I'll put them both in one post for simplicity.
I really would like to see a boxed set. In fact, I'm rather torn right now: I would like to buy the game so that I could play it and so that I could support these creative people, but I don't know what's going on with the download site and with future box plans. I dislike buying a download in general because of many reasons, mainly related to access: there are risks of losing easy access if the organization becomes unreliable, and it sounds like Plimus is now unreliable. If a boxed set existed, that would make it an easy decision to just buy the game. But should I look into buying a download anyway, because it would support the endeavour and I could probably "upgrade" later? But can I assume that a download would even work like that now? Agh, I don't know what's going on!
And . . . this probably belongs in another thread, but I was wondering about something in the full game. Specifically, inventory management. In the full game, can you move items from one slot to another? It's such a simple thing to be able to place items in the order that you want, that the lack of it was bugging me quite a bit in the demo. If it isn't in the full game, I would suggest that it be considered for a future update.
Okay, I'm set now. Thanks all, and thanks to the creators for the fun.