Something funny... tried to get into the western abyss, but it was dark (she says she wouldnt enter without a light source) so went back searching for light

. then later on enetered the eastern part of abyss and, voila! there was light, so went through both parts of abyss until I got stuck at the green ball passage. so went back to an ancient turtle and back to the kelp forest, got nature form, and went back to all the green passages in the map and then to the one in abyss and... SURPRISE! abyss is dark again.
was it some sort of bug when there was light there?
at the same time the cave with shipwreck in kelp forest (the one I got the "treasure chest" from is now completely dark and some passage on north as well (dont know this one, cause its dark, but can only get there in nature form (something burns me in other forms) - should this one be dark as well or is it just another manifestationn of the same bug?
no spoilers please, I'm having so much fun exploring it by myself, just wanted to know if all is fine with my game
thanks a lot for reading - bit long, I know...