Hello, I just beat the Golem in Sunken City. Just wondering if there are any minibosses out there that I might have missed. I'm pretty sure the next boss is the last one so I just wanted to know if I missed anything. Also, is the golem suppose to give you anything after you beat it? I read about
Dual Form, does this come later?
The minibosses I beat are:
- Nautilus Prime
- Octopus? You get close to it and a pink pearl(tongue?) appears.
- Huge Jellyfish in the Abyss
- Huge crab in Arnassi
- Frozen Veil Crab
- Mermog
- Mithalas Priests
I have no grey spots, but I also did not go back to previous place that I've searched already o.o. Thanks to whoever helps
