I have an idea but I want to know everyone's opinion on its possibility.
The story would go something like this: a nobleman or a ranking clansman is out running around in the faint hope of rescuing his daughter. He finds however that the monster that snatched the child lives in a cave system that was once a part of the Imperial Underground, a place where the now-dead Empire made. In here, the place is infested with monsters, and despite trying to fight best of his ability, he has to run for his life.
He is chased by a rather large monster and stops at a cliff. He is ready to be consumed by the monster when all the sudden a black-cloacked figure whom his daughter is desperately clinging to, kills the monster from behind. The stranger lets the daughter embrace his father, but before the stranger says a word, he is hit by a boulder that loosened when chasing the monster. The bolder does not kill the stranger, despite rolling over him, however is unconscious and barely alive.
Cut to a room with the daughter and clansman carrying the stranger to their home. Here he is laid on a bed, and they began stripping the stranger to heal any wounds they uncover the hood to reveal that the stranger wears a bandana. As they remove the bandana, a bulged deformation is revealed on the stranger's head, embracing it like a crown. What makes it scary is that on it, is a symbol that glowed red.
Cut to later, the nursing to health. Initially, the stranger wakes up only to drink water and then slip back into unconsciousness. Some healers are shown, one of them waving magic yet she fails for a reason unknown to her. But generally, the clansman/nobleman hides the stranger as he is hinted to be demonic. We also see some flashes and occasional visions showing a man in a rainbow cape and mask doing something, people fighting, demons fighting demons, a child levitated in front an alter with a spilled bottle and the symbol on the stranger's forehead reappearing several times. It's three, "fatty" diagonal stripes, the middle longer then the other two.
One day, while the daughter is playing in the room, the stranger finally wakes up and is able to talk. He remembers nothing of himself, but as he opens his eyes he has abnormal vision. His eyes, his whole eyes are glowing red. He then somehow is able to switch them back to normal.
That would be the intro.
Tutorial would the stranger learning to walk and exploring. Tutorial would be the stranger exploring the area and talking to people. Most people in the area already know him so they aren't afraid of him. He also seems to be non-hostile. Some moves and basic controls would be learned here, including inventory. Perhaps the stranger would help stack hay or something to show to equip and use weapons.
Fighting tutorial would start when raiders approach the keep/village. Initially a scouting party that the stranger and some milita are able to repel the raiders, but when the full force comes they are quickly overwhelmed and surrounded. A leader of the raiding party appears and names the stranger Talon and mocks and gloat him, while revealing himself to be a slaver (something like this: "Well would you look at here? The mighty Talon holding a pitchfork among common dirt-pokers. Who would have thought that would have ever happened? What, don't feel like taking us all by yourself? Woke up with a bad leg you [insert insults here]! Where is your mighty sword and axe now? Do you think you can kill us all oh terrible slayer of slavers? No, by the looks of it you can barely handle these cretins. I'm gonna show you just what kind of miserable little s* you are.").
Despite his attitude, the slaver offers the peasents to go free if they hand over the stranger. He is not so willing, and first time taps into his powers that allow him to escape with the help of a nearby cliff and river.
He finds himself in the middle of some forest wilderness and that's when the game would truly begin. The pitchfork is broken and you have to find the corpse of a hunter to get a bow and a knife, your starting weapons.
Now, techicalities.
The game would take place on the surface and there would be allot of climbing and jumping. Does anybody know whether that can be done?
Aside the usual "discover who you are" story and killing of monsters and bandits, meddling with your usual fantasy and medieval people I also plan a rather complete battle system. Talon can use almost any weapon he has in his hands, and I plan to make an extensive weapon system. Claymores, polearms, the works. And a bit more then the usual "click to swing sword" type of game.
God, why am I typing this?