Currently I am embarking on a little project while playing through Aquaria. I really like the language within the game and am working on translating it to english. It seems to be going fairly well so I thought others might be a little interested, if no one has done this before (I'm sure the designers already know it, but don't spoil it for me!). This has less become the game I originally meant it to be and more a chronicle of all the writing within the game. If you know of any that I have missed, please let me know (preferably with screenshots!).
Forgive any errors as I am mostly just guessing from what I can figure out. But I am having fun while doing it!
(Spoilers if anyone wishes to find them and translate it themselves)
/ - Represents line breaks as they are in the game
So far:
The entrance of home says: Home
Song Cave - Portal: Here lies Erulia our mother
Song Cave - Crystal: Spirit Remember
Song Cave - Northeast: Light will / guide her
Song Cave - Southeast: For Daughter
Song Cave - South: The fallen
Song Cave - Southwest: Creator
Energy Temple - Southern Cave (near 2nd pearl): Krel will pay / betrayal
Energy Temple - Krotite Armor: Flesh is weak
Open Waters - Eastern Central: Mithalas / beckons / you
Open Waters - Eastern North: Does / absolution / lie above / the waves
Open Waters - Eastern South: Krel and Ylia / forever
Open Waters - Eastern South2: My dearest / rest in peace
Open Waters - Mithalas Entrance: Fear the Lord
Open Waters - Arnassi Gauntlet: Arnassi Gauntlet
Open Waters - Southeast Entrance: Beware
Mithalas - Entrance: Mithalas
Mithalas - Beast Area House: Beyond / death we / hide
Mithalas - Southern House: Rainbow soup / my only escape
Mithalas Cathedral - Central Chamber: Eternal life ternal terrar
Mithalas Cathedral - Central Chamber2: Art / History / History *1
Mithalas Cathedral - Central Chamber3: Religion / Religion / Religion *1
Mithalas Cathedral - Central Chamber4: The World *1
Mithalas Cathedral - Southeastern Chamber: Save us
Mithalas Cathedral - Southern Chamber: Eternal / Heretics *2
Mithalas Cathedral - Southern Save Room: As he creates / so will he destroy / watching us from every shadow / he is the abyss taken form / to new waves / we must escape
Mithalas Cathedral - Southern Save Room (cont.): *** Sauguin
Mithalas Cathedral - Whirlpool Chamber: His wrath
Mithalas Cathedral - God Chamber: ave failed me / unger will consume you / feast on e flesh of your own children *3
Sun Temple - God Entrance: Marui the Architect / within lie my final thoughts
Sun Temple - Boss Chamber: Kill me and kill our creator / The transformation is almost done / The pain is becoming unbearable / We believed in reason / For many years we
Sun Temple - Boss Chamber (cont.): worshiped Sun / The Erulian histories are true / I have angered the Creator
*1 - Shelf labels, I believe
*2 - The R in heretics is also the R in eternal
*3 - The god's body was blocking some pictures, for the sake of accuracy I have left speculation up to you.
Merry Christmas,