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Author Topic: Fallout 3?  (Read 9493 times)

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Offline Quemaqua

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Fallout 3?
« on: October 15, 2008, 04:54:59 pm »
It draws closer.  I know there's been a lot of contention about how Bethesda has handled it, but as a fan of the originals, I'm pretty excited about it.  I generally like Bethesda's work, but aside from that I think what I've always loved most about the Fallout franchise has been the world, the characters, the uniqueness of the setting.  I recently finished playing through the first game again and am underway with the 2nd now, and I'm realizing that I'm really not all that married to the gameplay.  There isn't anything essentially wrong with it, but it's a little unbalanced and sloppy at times where combat is concerned (less so with 2), and the thought of getting to explore that world in a more intimate perspective has me excited.  I love the sheer verticality of what we've seen from FO3 so far, which is really nice compared to the flatness of the originals.  It adds a new sense of scale to the thing which I think will help it feel fresh.

Anyway, I'm pretty excited, especially with some of the more recent footage.  I don't think this will be the "Oblivion with guns" scenario everyone is fearing, unless you happen to dislike the way Bethesda builds worlds (and the obvious fact that certain purely mechanical functions may function similarly to Oblivion, like fast travel and such).

Anybody else looking forward to it?

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Offline Glamador

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Re: Fallout 3?
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2008, 05:05:33 pm »
I pre-ordered it for the PC in the hopes that Bethesda will get a modding tool to the consumers (or we find a way on our own).  I'm really hoping this IS Oblivion with guns.  That's why I'm buying it.  I HATED the fallout 1 and 2 gameplay.  Never played them because of it.  This time I want a good stategic shooter (Hello VATS) and similar quest-based gameplay that's heavy on exploration and properly planned character development.  The same way Oblivion was basically.

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Re: Fallout 3?
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2008, 06:35:27 pm »
I am definitely excited about the release of Fallout 3. As much as I would love to be able to play it on a pc with a mouse and keyboard and have hopefully the nice scale of mod-ability that oblivion has, my computer just isn't a beast enough to play the game to it's potential. So, I'm definitely going to be purchasing it for my PS3. I know a lot of people that were fans of fallout 1 and 2, but there's just something about both of them that never gained my interest.

It does come out on the 28th of this month right? :/ I'll still be on deployment, and unfortunately in the middle of the pacific. :/

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Fallout 3?
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2008, 12:58:56 am »
I'm hoping for Oblivion-style exploration and stuff, to be sure.   I think Oblivion had a lot of fundamental problems mostly in terms of wonkiness in animation and a little bit of a cardboard feeling at times, but it was still a great game I sunk endless hours into.

And yeah Danger, it's the 28th.  Sucks you'll be done then... I'm taking Wednesday-Friday of that week off just to play the game, and I picked up a new 4850 (upgrading from a 7800GT) just for it, heh.  I'm excited.

EDIT - It seems this game has divided many, many people, but I'm not disappointed in the least.  I haven't had this much fun in a long, long time.  I can't get enough of this game.  There are excessive details, screens, and several accounts of multiple people playing through the game in this thread at my own forums, including a lot of inflammatory words directed at naysayers, which is likely to make lots and lots of people totally hate me.  But I am what I am, for better or worse.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2008, 02:40:55 am by Quemaqua »

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Re: Fallout 3?
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2008, 10:57:31 am »
Alec blew up Megaton.  8)
...  I actually gave up playing when BMcC began beating me at my games. It kinda took all the fun out of it by having the snot kicked out of you by a 4 year old.  ...