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Author Topic: 12 Hours Later (More like 30, lol!)  (Read 8536 times)

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Offline calebgray

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12 Hours Later (More like 30, lol!)
« on: June 05, 2008, 06:34:55 am »
All flattery aside, this game was literally the best game I've played in ages. I constantly find myself about to double click on the game to play through it again, if only time permit me. I'd like to thank Alec, Derek, Jenna, and others who contributed for the long years of amazing work.

For the Aquaria Gamers
First time around, I spent about 20 hours learning HOW to play Aquaria just right-- finally ended up using WASD, Spacebar, and the Mouse... during extreme moments of relaxation I went for my gamepad. Regardless of spending all of that time, I did get stuck a couple of times-- and made it through about 60% of the game... got completely stuck... stopped playing for months (no time). But then, as early as four days ago I started up again, entirely new game (all the way through this time), learned of ALL KINDS of things I didn't know the first time, and MAN did I get it done a lot faster this time! I highly recommend getting through the game quite a ways, discovering as much as you can-- searching out every crevice, and every creature-- then going back through it again... it was the best way to play.

I admit, even the second time through I got stuck again, but only twice this time (that makes a total of four times for the whole game, not bad if you ask me). I'd say the hardest part of the entire game was the (POSSIBLE SPOILER FOR SOME)Simon-clone that took me about an hour to finish!!! Could have been one or two less notes in there... I swear.. lol! In any case, this game is seriously on my top ten. I highly recommend those that haven't already bought and beat this, to do so now.

For the Team
I'm going by those who were credited for specific topics based on the credits I saw at the end of the game... so if I'm off on anything that should be directed to someone else-- just know that I meant it to the deserving party.

To Alec: I didn't experience a single bug the second time through (1.0.3), and the first time I got half-way through I only saw one. This type of code is unheard of in our day of age and I'd like to make sure you're recognized for that achievement. Even in commercial games, published by companies with 30 programmers ship with more than ONE bug the first time around! Kudos to you. Also, the audio was beautiful. I am literally waiting for the CD of the music, personally I'd easily pay between 9.99 and 14.99 for it. Don't wait for something to happen, you've gotto sell that CD!!!

To Derek: The graphics are stunning. There are no other words for it. Being a programmer, I noticed every trick that was used to make things appear to be more full "than in reality," but trust me, not a single effect, drawing, animation, or cut-scene in the game was anything less than flawless. I pray that the "to be continued" is full of new creatures, characters, foliage, rocks, and (just because I know this term will definitely be coined by all gamers eventually) basically another Aquaria! :D

To Jenna: Beautiful, real, and passionate voice acting. I know scripts can feel cheesy at times, but you did extremely well in your pronunciation and tone throughout the entire game. It was without a doubt the first time I played through an entire game and didn't have to turn the volume down when cut scenes occurred, both for the sake of my ears and the sake of those around me. You have truly achieved what was thought to only be Angelina Jolie's domain as Laura Croft (in Tomb Raider), or Milla Jovovich as Alice (in Resident Evil).

Congratulations to the entire Bit Blot team (including family and beta testers), for all of your hard work, and all of your well deserved success!
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Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: 12 Hours Later (More like 30, lol!)
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2008, 09:30:15 am »
Couldn't agree with you more, nice review unerring praise^-^
« Last Edit: June 05, 2008, 06:46:02 pm by Alphasoldier »
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Re: 12 Hours Later (More like 30, lol!)
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2008, 09:54:05 am »
Seconded. :)
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Offline Glamador

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Re: 12 Hours Later (More like 30, lol!)
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2008, 04:48:36 pm »
But those actresses acted in movies...anyhoo, I loved the game as well.  I wouldn't call this a review, but as unerring praise I'm completely on board.

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Offline Danger Mouse

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Re: 12 Hours Later (More like 30, lol!)
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2008, 12:03:47 am »
Third time is a charm, so THIRD!!

Very well deserved, and more so. Definitely looking on for more on the editors support side, but the game itself is flawless I must say. It leaves much to be desired, seeing the imagination come to life so vividly well and without hitch. We want more! :)

Offline silverflagon

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Re: 12 Hours Later (More like 30, lol!)
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2008, 04:59:15 pm »
I agree, and with almost every word, I won't repeat myself on Li, he's great but iritating at times lol I'm just playing it through for the second time but I can see myself playing it more often than just a third  :-[ I'm so sad lol But I will give it a month os so between so some memory of things is still there but it's not so fresh if you get my meaning? :D

I really loved the voice acting it was the best that I have ever heard for a game..... I have heard a lot of voice overs in my time so I think that I can be sure that no one is going to contradict me here :D

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