home waters for sure, but I always would shop at the Veil Market when I was in the neighbourhood. they often had specials on shark fin soup, spicey meat, jelly oil and a fairly abundant supply of meats and oils as well.
if you are around the kelp forest there is often leaves and you might just go by it a few times during the game but that little nymph cave is stuffed full of them. anytime I'm doing turtle errands I get off at the kelp forest exchange and pick up a supply of eyeballs and eggs, there's no better place for selection, price and quality.
it's just a bit out of your way but if you head over to Mithalis Mall you should stock up on mushrooms, eel oil and then there is a strip mall just north of Ekkrit where you can also do some pretty good basic fishing and pick up some shark fins as well. this is all right at the open waters turtle turnstile so it's pretty efficient shopping but a traffic is a nightmare around there