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Author Topic: Finished in 13h - Aquaria Feedback (mild spoilers)  (Read 9756 times)

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Offline Feanarth

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Finished in 13h - Aquaria Feedback (mild spoilers)
« on: March 11, 2008, 03:23:55 pm »
First of all, a bit of sidestory about myself:

I'm German. Therefore i apologize in advance for any possible mistakes or misunderstandings my review could contain.  ;)
I named this posting "Feedback" (especially for the developers) and not "Review", since a normal review can be found on my homepage.

This posting therefore especially focuses on personal experience & interpretation as well technical stuff regarding the ingame mechanics. Note that i'll always try to be as constructive as possible. I loved playing Aquaria and finished the game yesterday  with roughly 75% of all hidden extras found - and rest assured that i will continue to explore as much remaining content as possible.  ^-^

I've been playing games since i had a C64 and i LOVE oldskool looking games to death. Aquaria was really a big experience and should be mentioned with other legends like Zelda, Metroid, Cave Story in one single breath. You people did a great job there and i hope i can enjoy your next game as much as i enjoyed this one.  8)

But now - on with the Feedback

Aquaria had something, that many other games lack: Atmosphere. I really enjoyed the vivid and colourful world design, the only flaw i could come up with was a small lack of "emotions" on the Actors. More facial expressions could've helped to get a better impression of Li's and Naija's feelings. Same goes for the bosses, who all have an "enrage" mode but don't really show it in their face.

I'll dare to compare this with Cave Story which also had rather static actors but used small character images to convey emotions. Altough there was no voiceacting in the game, the pictures helped loads to get a better hold of the current scene happenings and character emotions.

However, the (red or blue) screen color effect and fitting sound / music /voice helped to convey the mood pretty good. Overall i see this only as a minor flaw in Aquaria. Also I understand that integrating voice-fitting facial expressions are a very time intensive and not-vital feature.  ;)

Sound & Music
Awesome! I can't really say that i didn't enjoy the soundscape of Aquaria at any given time. The music tracks were some of the best i've ever heard in games and don't have to hide behind any "big budget" score out there. The voice of Naija was beautifully done and covered up almost any lack of facial and gesture expression in the game.

The Aquaria main "tune" which was hidden in many of the other tracks was conveyed so well that i will remember the song long time after playing this game. I just can't wait for a soundtrack to come out. :D

Long story short: No criticism here

This will be the biggie in my feedback post. My thoughts here were "ambivalent" during huge parts of the game.

Level design
For every detail i got to see and explore in this huge world, i was a bit annoyed by the extensive level design. There are some parts where you swim in really huge areas and (except for some enemies) nothing big happens. Every level had those parts, but especially the abyss, the stomach and the ruins (in the east part) had too much "no-load operation" parts with repetitive designs.

I'll also allow myself to compare with "Cave Story" here which had similar level sizes but more "demanding" jump n run or agility parts and riddles. You did a good job in integrating faster travelling into the game, but still i often had that feeling of "ah damn i need to swim over there again". 

I know that Aquaria should be a more "calm" game and transport an impression of an extensive deep sea world. Still i thought that "less is more" in that matter.

Naija's Design
Naija's Character was conveyed pretty well, mostly due to the brilliant voice acting by Jenna Sharpe. I really enjoyed the whole integration of singing into the game which underlines the female character of Naija and also gives the player a more "mermaid'esque" impression of her.  Regarding her character development (including the lost memories) i can say that i enjoyed playing and accepting her as my personal female hero.  :D

The major flaw in Naija isn't exactly herself but the mechanic behind the usage of her 8 different forms. For every new form Naija gained i sometimes was a bit disappointed in its proper use.  Energy, Fish and Beast all had good uses, but especially Nature and Light  seem to be more of an "endeavored" kind and didn't really had much use except passing certain level-parts of the game. Furthermore the whole "change aspect" could've been emphazised more as Naija still remains too "humanoid" in most forms.  I wouldn't say that i was bored with Naija's different forms, but disappointment about some of her form-abilites and usages was one of the biggest emotions i felt during the game.

Personally I'd rather have less forms to switch through and instead more powerups to get more use out of the existing forms. In this special example, energy form could've been easily upgraded with a light effect (resulting in less clicking during the Abyss part) as well as a multi-target feature since the normal "rapid fire" almost had the same effect.  Beast form was already something close to nature and could've been upgraded with a grow-plants- feature.

I know that this is a very VERY subjective impression, but i think that most people don't want to remember 8 songs or constantly choose from 8 forms during a hard boss fight (which is already demanding enough when you don't know their weakness yet). Using the 1-8 Keys helped me loads, but still i had a lot of misclicks during a fight, resulting in damage (and annoyance) which i could've easily avoided.   ;)

Li's Design
As much as i enjoyed the first encounter with Li i got disappointed by the ongoing game parts involving him. Except for the memories (which have to be found first  - and i only have found 1 this far) there is very little storyline and character development on Li's side. Except for the "opening the door part" which showed his engineering skills i looked at Li more as of a "assist fire drone" like you have em in R-Type.

The ending part in the stomach however helped to a lot to show the bond between those two and i personally considered the last combined-form as a very cool twist in the story.  8) As a result: Li was a very interesting character but just got too little screen time to show his traits and skills.  :(

As interesting as it was at the beginning i personally felt overwhelmed by the vast selection of recipes you get confronted with during the game. The "getting ingredients and cooking" mechanic fits the underwater setting well. But the menu itself is rather uncomfortable to use and also interrupts the fluid ingame happenings a lot  (especially during boss fights where people usually take a load of damage if they don't know how to evade properly).

I also found myself looking at the recipes tab a lot which i personally found rather annoying. Therefore i reduced cooking to a minimum (usually when my ingredients-container was stuffed). If there were some sort of infight-quick access menu or some sort of  "cook multiple leaf poultrice at once" button, i would've enjoyed that part a lot more.

Whew! That was more text than i initially had in mind to write.  :o  I hope the developers read this and get a good use out of it. As said before, I intended to be construtive,  so i hope no one feels offended by my writings. I enjoyed playing Aquaria a lot and i will continue to do so.  I thought that those 13h of gaming were well spent time of my life and i'll try to gather as much storyline (and secrets) out of Aquaria as i can get.  ;D
« Last Edit: March 12, 2008, 01:02:59 am by Feanarth »
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Re: Finished in 13h - Aquaria Feedback (mild spoilers)
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2008, 03:28:06 pm »
Thanks for the feedback. :)

We're taking some things into account for the 1.1.0 patch / Mac version.

Offline Feanarth

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Re: Finished in 13h - Aquaria Feedback (mild spoilers)
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2008, 03:44:33 pm »
o.O Ooookey now THAT was quick feedback. Thank you. ^^

I hope it's ok that i "abused" the Aquaria-website grafics for my review banner? Of course I also stated the source of the image.
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Re: Finished in 13h - Aquaria Feedback (mild spoilers)
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2008, 07:59:10 pm »
No worries. Thanks for the review. :)

If anyone's curious what we've been working on, here's some of it:


[includes spoilers]

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Re: Finished in 13h - Aquaria Feedback (mild spoilers)
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2008, 12:50:48 am »
Ah that's good stuff. The map was one big thing i forgot to mention but you seem to cover up most criticism. There are a few things that i can remember being patchworthy, both UI and ingame-riddle based.

  • The passageway (leading to the room with the tunnel-plant which transports Naija to the spirit form battle) is pretty hard to identify. I swam to that upper part with the safe crystal and thought that the 2 sea horses are some sorta attraction and that's all i get to see. I attained spirit form after i found no other way to pass hot steam passages - which was after i solved the game once. I had to consult the forum to find out where to find the spirit form.
  • Map System: I once managed to scroll the map into a completely dark area. I thought i hung up the game or something as there was nothing onscreen but i still heard sound. Maybe a "center map on Naija" button could come in handy here.
  • The ghost character that can be lead around with a plant form trail was hard to identify as "plant loving". The plants around him were too small in number. Maybe a bigger hint (the plant form song as BG effect / more (visible) plants or green kelp forest BG around the ghost) could help here.  I only found that out after swimming everywhere else on the map and then examining the dead tree and the ghosts further.
Hope this helps. Patch looks great this far. Looking forward on the map changes as they help me loads in finding the remaining secrets (i hate to rely on walkthroughs)  >:(
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Re: Finished in 13h - Aquaria Feedback (mild spoilers)
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2008, 12:56:43 am »
that looks fleeking sweet! I was curious and curiouser still, looking forward to the patch  :D

real good review Feanarth, your game mechanics criticisms are sound and had no problem understanding your points, you have good handle on English for sure! most of your annoyances I don't share but empathize with the recipe fatigue and some of the commuting issues.  I was wondering throughout the game if some of the various form's skills would be upgraded permanently, and only used the food items sparingly. it wasn't until fairly late into the game that I felt more liberal with using food from my well stocked larder, as fishing and cooking could take so long. using the whirlpool to harvest ingredients is like a fishing upgrade tho  ;)
« Last Edit: March 12, 2008, 01:08:48 am by inkblob »
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Offline Feanarth

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Re: Finished in 13h - Aquaria Feedback (mild spoilers)
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2008, 01:05:37 am »
that looks fleeking sweet! I was curious and curiouser still, looking forward to the patch  :D

Please excuse the offtopic in this matter but regarding your Avatar pic: Were you trying to play Pokemon back then? "Gotta catch em all"?  ;D xD
Pretty nice screen. I guess there's some Naija under all those vermins. ;)
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Re: Finished in 13h - Aquaria Feedback (mild spoilers)
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2008, 01:12:45 am »
that looks fleeking sweet! I was curious and curiouser still, looking forward to the patch  :D

Please excuse the offtopic in this matter but regarding your Avatar pic: Were you trying to play Pokemon back then? "Gotta catch em all"?  ;D xD
Pretty nice screen. I guess there's some Naija under all those vermins. ;)

yep  :) I think there is about a dozen tadpoles and 4 or 5 leeches. it didn't impact game performance but I could only move about half a body length every stroke. it's beast Naija, the pink beasty roar shapes are obscured into a blurry haze when she's moving that slow  :D
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Re: Finished in 13h - Aquaria Feedback (mild spoilers)
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2008, 09:55:40 am »
Very nice review Feanarth, I must say you have different opinions then most, but, seeing you only got one memory and said you had to go to the forums to find out how and where, then I think you really didn't enjoy the open travel and exploring part. Nonetheless very nice review.

Oh and Alec, that's an awesome update. :D
If that all that's going to change, or is there more?
Like also making a list of every small bug you encountered and solved too, that would be nice.
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Offline Feanarth

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Re: Finished in 13h - Aquaria Feedback (mild spoilers)
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2008, 04:20:29 pm »
Very nice review Feanarth, I must say you have different opinions then most, but, seeing you only got one memory and said you had to go to the forums to find out how and where, then I think you really didn't enjoy the open travel and exploring part. Nonetheless very nice review.

Thank you. I know that i have a different taste and after over 20 years of gaming i became quite "picky" about details. But that's mostly because when you've seen a lot of games you begin to see patterns that sometimes bore you a bit. BUT I wouldn't say that i was explicitly bored with the exploration parts in Aquaria. I just thought that there were lenght's that could've been downsized a bit.

I might try to do a comparison to explain things:

In games like Cave Story, Metroid or Zelda i enjoyed travelling a lot. All of these games feature pretty huge worlds and travelling those wasn't really bothering me in any way. I can't quite put my finger on it why it was different in Aquaria, but i just think that the parts i described in my feedback above just had a few too many lenghts. Otherwise the level design was awesome.

In Aquaria the secrets weren't quite as "tempting" as the cooking itself wasn't really much of a motivation (for me at least). The keepsakes and memories are quite a rewarding find, but most of the time i just found another recipe. Its also hard to describe why i felt that way, but i think it could be the variety of items you can find. Most items you find are just something to "look at" and don't have any further use (except looking good in your home cave).  Gadgets in Zelda, Metroid and the like had multiple purposes: A boomerang was a versatile weapon AND visible on the character, Samus new Gadgets could be used immediately (like Rockets, Bombs, Suits) and had a "visual benefit" for the player.

Aquaria was on the right way with the various pet & armour items and forms - but regarding my taste the weight was too much on the recipe part which isn't actually "visible" most of the time spent in the game - nor is it really vital to have all recipes in order to beat the game.

I guess it's mostly to the cooking mechanic that i didn't enjoy exploration as much as i wanted.  That and i'm a person that tries to see practical use in things first. That's prolly why i used cooking mostly to get my Hitpoints and shot power up during boss fights. The rest of the recipes i simply ignored till the end of the game or just tried em out of curiousity.  :(
« Last Edit: March 12, 2008, 04:55:33 pm by Feanarth »
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