Again, trying to avoid spoilers in general

I recently picked up the Spirit Form - in fact, I have six forms, which form a circle missing the bottom-left one. (I forget, offhand, which the forms I have are, but hopefully this'll be enough.) I haven't found anything to use the Spirit Form on besides a treasure or two. I've trolled around the Abyss, killed a giant jellyfish, and found a locked door with strange symbols which I think I recognize as being the symbols around where I found Li, but I can't get him to interact with the door in any way. There's also a pit with a giant impassible tentacle coming out of it. Haven't figured out how to get past that either.
Suggestions? I'm out of ideas on where to go (in fact, I was stuck before I found the Spirit Form, finally located the Spirit Form, and still can't figure out what to do next.)
Want to avoid serious spoilers, just want a suggestion or two on where I should be looking. Thanks again.
Edit: Aha! Nevermind, I found an area in the Abyss that I'd somehow completely missed. Closing my own thread