sry for this again, I'm sure you can't hear ppl cry for widescreen support any more ^^
I understand why people want it, but unfortunately its not readily added. I did spend a fair deal of time looking into getting it to work, but the furthest I got after a lot of struggling was very far from being working.
Its not as easy as doing a widescreen mode for a 3D game, since the 2D view has to be centered properly and the camera locking gets confusing. (the edges of the screen hit way before they were originally planned to)
In my efforts, I still haven't managed to get the ratio right. I've gotten close-ish, but its squashing things horizontally more than it should.
Widescreen also messes with the mouse controls. Centering the mouse breaks.
There are also a number of rendering effects, including the mini map, the black masking etc that would have to be fully rewritten to support widescreen.
Ripples wouldn't work at all properly with non 4:3, and since that code was originally very painstaking to get to look right, I'm not really interested in redoing it just to support another aspect ratio.
The reality is that the game is quite playable and looks great at 4:3, even if you're stretching it to fill a widscreen monitor it still looks pretty good. I understand that its not perfect and some people prefer widescreen, but I really don't have the resources (i.e. time) to invest in rewriting large parts of the code to support it right now.