Okay, I've noticed in most of threads and topics that there are still a lot things missing in aquaria, or things that need improvement or things that would be nice to be added. I'd like to have a list of all the things that Alec is going to change or that would be nice to change.
I'll try to keep this first post updated so that people will not post the same things. And I hope that Alec himself will contribute on what he is working on what he will be working on and what he will not be working on and never will.
The things I heard that there will come:
- An expanded recipe list with what every food item does.
- The possibility of having a big map (double clicking mini-map) in the editor and mods.
- Mac Version
- Linux Version
- ...
Requesting if these things will come:
- Possibility to scribble on the main map, or to add icons that could be named.
- Better cooking interface with more shortcut keys
- ...
Things that propably will never come:
- Win button
- Widescreen
- ...
This is all that I can think of at this moment and most are examples (which I don't even know for sure if they're right) , I will propably add more, feel free to post suggestions yourself. But please think of the suggestion first, don't try making suggestions like a win button or changing the whole story. Only improvement.