First off, when playing the demo, it felt like it would never end and that made me happy. But then I saw the DEMO VERSION OVER message in the middle of the map and my heart sunk. So I quit the game, and I'm staring at the screen wondering whether or not to use what little money I have left to buy the game. I turn off the computer and mull it over.
The next day I blow all my cares to the wind, and buy it and play it for 7 hours straight.
Your game does not disappoint.
There were only a few things that irked me off, and they are trivial and stupid and you are permitted to call me trivial and stupid for mentioning them:
#1 Naija's mouth when singing. I know you can barely see it, but when zoomed in, it's the same rectangle for every note.
#2 Without trying to spoil anything, the Mithalas Boss dialog. It was kind of cheesy.
#3 The black screens with only sound. As much as I loved listening to Jenna Sharpe's lovely voice, you weren't leaving much to the imagination.
#4 The cooking screen. I'm playing this on a laptop, so you can imagine the workout I'm giving my trackpoint. A simple change to one left click=check ingredient/move, two=place ingredient for cooking, one right click = eat(if possible)
That's it. Those are the only 4 things that were negative.
Now then...
For the 31982 things that were positive:
#1 The music! Oh god the music! Very, very well done!
#2 The graphics. Amazing. While rooting around in the mod tool I saw just how complex but simple it was. That last sentence didn't make sense.
#3 One controller(mouse) gameplay AND keyboard support?! Thank. You.
#4 Non-linear gameplay. So much fun to explore.
#5 Fluid movement by characters and enemies. No jerky motions means no jerky comments!
#6 Did I mention the music?
I'll be back to put in the other 31976 things later. In the meantime I need sleep.
Holy crap I just noticed the awesome smileys and could have used them in here!