I'm constantly amazed at this game, the art, the story and the acting, you all did ( I hate to use past tense as it IS ) an amazing job. I don't know exactly how the load was distributed, the art gets a lot of attention in this game and rightly so, but the story and the pacing is great. the key points of drama are well situated and placed, the calm respite areas are bucolic and instantly familiar. voice acting has made or break'd games for me in the past. there was a character in dungeon siege 2 that I kept in party just for her voice! when they released broken world I was practically devestated that they swapped out all of the voices, some were improvements but my fave characters were just gone. Jenna did such a good job on this, the acting wasn't over the top, it hit all the right notes in the right places and any colour of emotion was genuine. if there is a sequel or expansion I hope she's involved in some capacity.