I know Derek would use beast and nature over energy in most cases.
Yeah, beast form rocks *reminds about the clams and Li*
Clever idea

Anyways, I used all the forms in the game - all of them have unique abilities and mostly all of them are capable of charging good attacks, if you can only manage with a proper strategy for each one. It also turned out, that I played with different forms depending on the place where I had gone (for e.g. Kelp forest - nature/energy, Mithalas ruins - beast: had fun with eating the monsters and shooting with their shoots

). Basically, there's no aiming strategy with the forms - you play the one you like to play most of time, and when you want, you change it to antoher. There's so much variability within the main character, and that's one of the biggest "+" for the game...
And the nature form is also great - the charged attack is sometimes far more better than energy, you just take enemies with you, charge a shot, hide behind it and watch the fireworks