this bug leaves me in an awful situation after several hours of playing: i am alone with no chance of ever finding lil, also the storyline is completely fucked up. here goes: when i first entered the veil the first place i went to was the sun-temple. at this point i had all available forms except 5 and8 and the only region i hadn't visited yet was the entire area south of the open waters. inside the sun temple there is a dark area which i wasn't able to immediately pass at that time and i had a feeling, that i wasn't supposed to be there anyway because obviously i was missing a form which would probably help me seeing in the dark and i was convinced that i would find it in the southern areas - so i decided to go there first. at that point i didn't meet lil yet. in the abyss i had a few problems because of the fact that i didn't have the sun form yet but with the help of jellyfish i carried on expecting to find the missing form any moment. when i arrived at the area where the entry to "the body" is (which is supposed to be blocked by some sort of plug) i was easily able to enter the area by squeezing through between the spikes and the "plug" as if i was supposed to do so (the left path to the sunken city is still blocked and can't be opened without lil). inside the body i find the trapped lil (!) who i was able to set free shortly after. so i found the kidnapped lil before having met him in the first place! after unsuccessfully trying to beat the end-boss i went back to explore a little more and found out, that i could open the blocked path to the sunken city with lil's help. after beating the boss lil gets kidnapped and the little ghost boy now tries to lead me into the now unplugged body. but inside the body again no lil is to be found. i also looked for him in the veil but am not able to find him supposedly because after all i am sort of supposed to have met him already anyway. this is really bad because i practically completed the game and was looking forward to exploring and having fun some more, but obviously i'm stuck in a dead end now...
ps: also there is a technical bug which makes the game crash when trying to kill the flesh eating plants in the abyss with the nature-form-kelp-spikes.