Now, this might just be a Vista problem, or something of that nature, but I figure I'll post this in case it's an actual issue with the game.
It seems that using Beast form for an extended period of time seems to be causing me some slowdown issues. Perhaps it is due to the extra effects when boosting? Not sure, but after using beast form for a few minutes, the game gets a little 'skippy'. It's not *quite* a framerate reduction. Sometimes, it was playing great, but then everything would lock up for just a second or two before resuming where it should. It's a bit jarring and seems to happen much more frequently when using beast form a lot - I stopped using beast for a while, and the game started to normalize after a little bit. I've had some very minor framerate issues normally, mostly upon entering Mithalas, but it's much more pronounced when using Beast form.
Hmm, now that I think of it, I've had similar issues before with a different game. I have the latest drivers, and my system is decently powerful (2 GB ram, 2.2 GHz dual core, 256MB video card) so there should be no reason for it. *shrug* Hmm, well, gonna post this anyway - at the very least, maybe someone has an idea why it occasionally just freezes up for a second or two.