when you are riding a seahorse with that arnassi armor (seahorse armor)... and do the song of spirit (up, up left and left signs) and hold the left to... go to the left map lol...
and change maps while that, the song is sang, and you turn into a spirit without a body
everything moves normally, and your sprite is invisible,
if you hit the left mouse button the sprite does that shining thing...
and you can be hit by the enemies...
if you go to a blue crystal and do left mouse button action (shine)... only a small version of naija with outfit appears... seems to be like a doll Oo
changing maps just has the sound of the song on the black screen between maps... and when you arrive to the next map, you are still invisible and can't turn back.
if you go back to the map that you ride the seahorse, you turn into a normal spirit, everything is stopped, and you can move freely to where you want, but still blue crystals do mini-naijas,
I still didn't try to sleep in that form, I saved in another slot, but if I load game, I turn into a spirit, and a mini-naija spawns behind me in the red crystal
and I don't wanna try that again with other clothes... but that happened to me and I just lost 1 hour of work due to that =(
I know it's hard to understand that, I'm sleepy and I just wrote all of that without reading again, but the main idea is:
you are with arnassi armor, riding a seahorse, and wanna warp to a map that's to the east, you do NORTH, NORTHEAST AND HOLD EAST moves (spirit song btw)... and when you are on the black screen you will hear that noise when you turn into a spirit... congratulations, you are like that forever until someone discovers how to get rid of that =D
hope you guys understand that ¬¬
EDIT: I Corrected some minor stuff, too lazy to correct the rest