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Offline Nemo07

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Plot Progression (spoilers)
« on: December 22, 2007, 06:37:16 am »
I've been playing this awesome game for a while now, and I feel like the narrative has been going at a weird pace.

At the start of the game you know pretty much nothing about yourself and your background and find out about what used to live where you live. Mithalas and the cathedral reveal a *huge* chunk of plot and gives you a sense of your ultimate goal. Li and the Sun Temple add more questions than answers, unfortunately. After that, the game doesn't tell you where to go and the plot drags, in my opinion.

I've just reached the Sunken City, and if the deep voiced "threat" and Li's reaction to the city are any indication, I'm about to get big plot exposition like in Mithalas. Am I right in thinking this? Also, according to that "completed" map, the only place left to go after the Sunken City is the end-game area and it seems like I have more questions than the game has time to answer.

Do all the questions the game raises get answered in the parts of the game I've not yet done? I've seen all the lost memories too, so will the extended wrap everything up?

 :-\ I guess what I'm trying to say is that the chat with Mithala makes the plot seem far more epic than it actually is and I want to know if the game eventually fulfills what it promised I'd see. Please don't spoil what I haven't seen yet, though.

Offline IceD

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Re: Plot Progression (spoilers)
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2007, 10:15:37 am »
I guess what I'm trying to say is that the chat with Mithala makes the plot seem far more epic than it actually is and I want to know if the game eventually fulfills what it promised I'd see. Please don't spoil what I haven't seen yet, though.

As far as know, the end reveals much of things that were ununderstandable throughout whole game, but there are some facts that won't be revealed and we can do nothing but speculate. Don't get distressed, play the game till the end and you will know the real truth that lies beyond  ;)

Offline wwarnick

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Re: Plot Progression (spoilers)
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2007, 10:21:41 am »
Not all gets answered, but alot does.  And don't think it's less epic than Mithala makes it sound.  In fact, it gets more epic.  Plus, you still have some play time after the sunken city before you meet the final boss, so no worries.

However, I agree that the pacing is funny at times.  There are long stretches without any story at all, then all of a sudden a ton of exposition is thrown at you.  But seriously, the fact that it has a good story (better than most professional games mind you) satisfies me.


Offline IceD

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Re: Plot Progression (spoilers)
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2007, 10:58:47 am »
But seriously, the fact that it has a good story (better than most professional games mind you) satisfies me.

True, true  :). This game has one of the most great storylines than most if titles i remember (and I played alot), and only few other games could stan to fight with Aquaria in the one line, but I don't think any could beat her.

I love how the story is slightly revealed through the game, and then - bang! Massive plot reveal  :D It's great and makes you wanna play more and more, it's really addictive...