Alec: I hope you have some time to answer some of these, I've had a few of these questions in other threads, but none of them have been actually covered yet. So you could se this is my Top 10 Current Questions for you all in one place. All are related to Modding and the Map Editor, with the exception of the last question... I had actually run out of questions at the moment for the map editor so I threw that one in there.

1. Is the 1024x1024 the largest Maptemplate size that can be used? I've tried 2048x2048 and the editor cuts half of the map off in both height and width.
2. With a map so large, do you think that it would severely effect gameplay speed for that particular map with the same amount of graphical detail that is in a smaller map?
3. In the next version will support for custom map changes on the compass be supported?
4. Will you be releasing more "tricks" that you used in creating the original? To help modders get a better feel of how the scripting language is used in game for certain things.
5. Will the modding community be able to lock their mods from being edited? Best way I can see around this issue is have a two seperate selections from the main menu. 1 for Editing, and 1 for Mods. But if it's kept in the same current mod group, maybe they edit mode using tab could be locked to a key or something. It would prevent from people exploiting cheating while in the mod. (For example instant teleporting, seeing the whole level layout, and seeing spoilers).
6. Can we expect to see some big changes with the editor in the next version update, or any updates to come there-after?
7. What studio software was used for the music creation process, was a music keyboard used or was it all digitally synthosized?
8. Will it be possible to interface mod created songs into the menu system, mod created food into the cooking menu, and mod created treasures in the treasure menu or will it always be hard coded and un-editable as the current setup?
9. Do you have any plans on modifying the current Animations section and Particle Effects Section? Including the quit mod problems when exiting from them.
10. Have you picked your beta testers yet for the next testing phase? and how many testers will you plan on having?