I'm running version, but I didn't see this mentioned in the change log.
When battling the sun temple boss, I've somehow had the boss cross through the door to the left, and get stuck behind it. Neither of us could hit the other any more at this point.
Second, I report a number of crashes in the room with the racing mini game, and the room directly east from there (with the crab boss), but NOT anywhere else. The game gives one of those "illegal operation, application terminated" boxes. This tends to happen shortly after meeting the crab boss, but also sometimes for no apparent reason (when playing with the floating balls, or when racing). It doesn't
always happen (thankfully, so I was able to kill the crab). Sorry if that wasn't so helpful

And third, I had the game hang on me once upon entering the upper eastern part of the abyss (from the top). After loading, the game apparently got stuck in the fade in routine, with the screen faded in some 20% or 30%. This was apparently caused by low memory condition; I increased my hard drive's swap space and had no further problems.
Finally, allow me to report that the game is perfectly playable with a computer below the "minimum system specs" listed on the webpage. In particular, it works fine with 128 MB RAM, even if the room loading times are slow. Also, I definitely do not have what passes for a "Mid/High-End Video Card", and my CPU clocks in at 1,2 GHz rather than 1,6.
And did I mention the game is totally awesome?