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Offline Starfish5

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Bug with sun temple boss
« on: January 09, 2008, 01:22:41 am »
I'm running version, but I didn't see this mentioned in the change log.

When battling the sun temple boss, I've somehow had the boss cross through the door to the left, and get stuck behind it. Neither of us could hit the other any more at this point.

Second, I report a number of crashes in the room with the racing mini game, and the room directly east from there (with the crab boss), but NOT anywhere else. The game gives one of those "illegal operation, application terminated" boxes. This tends to happen shortly after meeting the crab boss, but also sometimes for no apparent reason (when playing with the floating balls, or when racing). It doesn't always happen (thankfully, so I was able to kill the crab). Sorry if that wasn't so helpful :(

And third, I had the game hang on me once upon entering the upper eastern part of the abyss (from the top). After loading, the game apparently got stuck in the fade in routine, with the screen faded in some 20% or 30%. This was apparently caused by low memory condition; I increased my hard drive's swap space and had no further problems.

Finally, allow me to report that the game is perfectly playable with a computer below the "minimum system specs" listed on the webpage. In particular, it works fine with 128 MB RAM, even if the room loading times are slow. Also, I definitely do not have what passes for a "Mid/High-End Video Card", and my CPU clocks in at 1,2 GHz rather than 1,6.

And did I mention the game is totally awesome?

Offline Alec

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Re: Bug with sun temple boss
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2008, 01:38:38 am »
Thanks for the report. :)

I've heard about that crash in the interior area east of the seahorse race,  (arnassi ruins) but I hadn't heard about a crash on the sea horse race level itself.

The floating spores that you can sing to were resurrected from an old build of the game, so there might be some archaic bug in their script.

Offline Starfish5

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Re: Bug with sun temple boss
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2008, 11:05:48 pm »
Well, I said it played fine on less-than-required specs, but the one exception is the western part of the abyss. Possibly because of the heavy alpha blending, I suppose.

Some random thoughts:

I think this is a bug: I swam west after beating the Evil Priests boss, and never got the instructions on using the Soul Form teleportation ability. I eventually figured it out anyway, but I note the other forms' abilities do get explained.

Is it intentional that I get the "use turtles to travel" message every single time I swim near a turtle, even after I'm well aware what they're for?

As a feature request, I would find it useful to be able to re-order the ingredients in the recipe screen (e.g. drag ingredient X over ingredient Y to swap their places, or something like that). A button for "repeat last recipe" would also be nice - making eight Hand Rolls in a row is kind of annoying.

I believe the door to the Sunken City needs a better hint. "This symbol looks familiar" is really not all that helpful if you've just played past 100+ screens of ocean. I didn't bring Li along because I found him annoying, and I had no idea where it looked familiar from.

Also, perhaps, the Mithalas boss could use some kind of hint. When fighting him, I was completely unaware that it's possible to lift enemies with the song for lifting rocks. Also, the top of that screen has a spoken hint that perhaps I was unprepared and should go back - I got the impression that you needed some kind of powerup to beat him, which turns out to be incorrect. In addition, there are a number of things that can make the boss flash, implying you are hurting him when in fact you're not. E.g. fireballing him, or having him dip his head into that pit with poison clouds.

I just read on this forum that you can use the 1-8 number keys to switch forms? It would be nice if this were explained in-game, it would make fighting e.g. the worm boss a lot easier.

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Bug with sun temple boss
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2008, 04:05:00 am »
Uhm, ok, I'll once again repeat something I say alot on this forum. This game requires logic to beat. 1+1=2
The Mithalan boss (SPOILERS) is rather easy if you use logics, it spawns a enemy, you kill it, it respawns, that means you have to do something with the enemy, shooting him infinitly only made him go backwards, just like the krotite god. Then, you see the gas pit and you know it's not there for nothing. So you try combining the things. Which makes that poisonous immobile thing. Further, the Mithalas boss tries to suck you up, which was another thing that didn't fit in, so you had again put 1 and 1 together. But seeing that the thing didn't move itself, you had to move it for him. (END SPOILERS)
And the door is pretty obvious if you watched a BIT of the details of the game.
And there's already a whole topic about the Recipe interface.

People say this game needs alot more hints, but I think that takes away the puzzly gameplay and the simple logic it uses. Also that people should look more into small details, which this game is FULL of.
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