Hi there, I am new to these forums and I have question. I wanted to buy Aquaria 2 times, once for me and once for my friend, but I want it on 2 different CDs obviously (yes I want to order on CD). Now when I fill out the form it cost 13 pounds for one game, and for two games thats 26 pounds roughly, but when I click the Order on CD, it shows up 8 additional pounds only no matter how many copies are there in the basket, but since I ordered two copies, should it not be 8x2 so 16 pounds???
Just want to make sure it comes on two separate CDs and not for ex. two games on one CD. So I wanted to ask if the additional price is correct and its only 8 additional pounds per 2 CDs or if its some sort of bug in the system and I should rather order the game two time separately each time paying the 8 pounds (I really don't mind a few pounds extra, just want to make sure to get the game two times to give the second copy to my friend for his birthday).
Also if I understood correctly the limited 20 dollar (14 pounds) soundtrack comes on CD as well? Since I want to order that as well, only copy though

Thanks you the clarification! Am happy to be here