Thanks to everyone that's provided feedback. You've given us good food for thought, and kind encouragement. It'll be a better mod because of what you've said.
Rather than spending the rest of the morning addressing every individual comment, I'm just going to reply to three most important concerns that people have voiced:
1: Very good point on it being too easy to miss the Beast Form Cave. Our bad. We're working on ways to solve that, without making the mod too annoyingly linear.
2: There will be save points in the next (or the final) version, including some in the levels you've already seen. We left them out on purpose because we weren't sure how much we'd end up changing the opening levels once we got a real handle on modding and the direction this project was going.
3: The whole food system is a work-in-progress at this point, and I anticipate putting more emphasis on eating things as we go. Chapter 1 was just kind of a "proof of concept" in that regards, testing everything to see if the core idea was feasible, and to see if we could actually add french fries to the main game.

We'll likely refine it some more as we go.
EDIT/CLARIFICATION: In item 3, when I said "I anticipate putting more emphasis on eating things", what I really meant was "I anticipate putting more emphasis on
using the beast form bite attack to devour entities and gain benefits (health, beast shot, etc) from eating them". It came across as a comment about how we might further refine the recipes, which we no doubt will, but I meant to also indicate that eating enemies raw will also more frequently provide benefits in the finished version(s) of the mod. I just need to go in and tweak a few .lua files to make that happen.