I'm an avid OCD achievement hunter and because of this, I recently re-bought Aquaria for steam even though I already had a copy of the game before it came out on steam. Unfortunately I've run into an issue. I've already sunk 16 hours into the game and am not yet delved into the Abyss yet when I re-stumbled on the Arnassi ruins. There is a steam achievement for beating the race in under a minute. I tried and failed over and over to even beat the 1:30 time until finally, I beat it with a time of 1:26 which caused the Seahorse outfit prize to appear in the statue's hand below. I collected my prize and intended to continue to try and beat the course in under a minute the next day so I swam to a save point and saved over my old save! I don't know why I didn't save in a new slot, but I didn't, so I can't go back. I can't go back to the save directly before I won the race! This is an issue because when I logged in today to try and race again, I could not! I played the song fast, I played it slow. Didn't matter. I wasn't allowed to race. I'm pretty upset because now I can't get that achievement unless I want to start the game over again and I'd rather not do that right now.
Is there any way to replay the race once you win? Is there a quick coding fix that can be pushed through in an update to allow players to reactivate the race to try and beat their old score? I am frustrated and disheartened that I didn't take precautions and save in a new spot. I just assumed that if there was an achievement for beating a race at a certain time, one would be allowed to race as many times as necessary until the goal was achieved. I didn't realize it was a one shot deal.
Is there anything that can be done?