Nobody ?

Here is the thread about the mod : have a full time job, so I have like 2-3 hours a day to work on the mod, and I'm really not able to do much a day as scripting takes a lot of time. Sometimes it is so frustrating I really hope I was unemployed lol. Also I cannot use ALL my free time to do this, or I burn-out (love playing video games from time to time too)
I take care of all the complex programming, entities, bosses, special behaviors. What takes most of my time and that could be done by someone else is all the maintenance job, adjusting things here and there, fixing bugs, testing, difficulty balancing, making dialogs and so on.
If we get no help, that's ok, it just will take a lot of time to finish. I can estimate we are 50%-60% done and will need at least 6 more months.