Dunno whats going on, I've used plimus to recover my aquaria key once before and it worked prefectly.
Anyway, my old PC I had the key saved on died, so I figured I'd get the key back through plimus again. I went to this address
http://www.plimus.com/find_shopper_order.jsp to get details on the order. I've tried entering the last 4 digits on the card, which responds with an error message saying it could not be found. So I figured maybe it's the wrong card, I tried email instead, and it responds with nothing, no message saying it worked or didn't work, and my email has nothing in it.
Dunno whats going on here, anyone knows that when a user does an action, SOME response should occur, but yeah, thanks to plimus I don't know if it can't find it or if the sites broken or what :S Any help would be much appreciated!