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Author Topic: Minigame (spoilers, I guess)  (Read 20083 times)

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Re: Minigame (spoilers, I guess)
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2008, 12:52:09 am »
What's the point of posting just to tell us that we're wrong to not like it?  Great, you got it.  We didn't.  I've tried about thirty or forty times now and still don't have it.

I do appreciate the advice (the whole reason I looked up this thread) from people like Eric, but the attitude is just rude and not very nice (sorry if that's too emo for you...you just pushed my buttons--probably doesn't help that I've spent over an hour trying to do this freaking thing).

Anyway, enough of my whining.  Thanks for the help.  I'm going to go try again.

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Re: Minigame (spoilers, I guess)
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2008, 12:56:49 am »
It put me in a very bad mood too and I accidently got in a little quarrel with my gf because of it.^^
Wait for a good sequence or try one of the tipps, not much else you can do... :-/
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Offline Zeuter

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Re: Minigame (spoilers, I guess)
« Reply #17 on: February 27, 2008, 05:17:39 pm »
See it as a mini-Dr.-Kawashima's-Brain-Training!
It took me a while as well, often when I'd gotten an easy sequence I'd be too much in a hurry and screw up. I'm no good at remembering random patterns. :\

Just keep trying and it will work, no matter how frustrating it may be.

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Re: Minigame (spoilers, I guess)
« Reply #18 on: February 27, 2008, 06:08:34 pm »
his roaring is admonishing you for not excelling.
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Re: Minigame (spoilers, I guess)
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2008, 10:22:39 pm »
1: the Visual thing: draw in youre mind a line from each "note-colour-circle-whateveritscalled" and try to remember the geometrical form. Or at least try to remember the geometrical form of the first 3 or 4 notes, so you dont have to remember every single note. only the last 4.

This works best, imo. As Utopianh pointed out, 8 bits of information stretches the capacity of human short-term memory, so the way to get around this is to "chunk" the different bits... if you have three different colors that happen to be in a row, for example, you can chunk this into one bit or memory: "3 notes counterclockwise from here". This allows you to keep track of the old notes while remembering the new ones, and you also quickly get a "feel" for where you're supposed to move next.

Granted, some patterns are more conducive to chunking than others (you can have sequences with no real geometric interpretation), but those patterns are more rare than you'd think. It took me three tries to complete the challenge because I managed to compress the information somewhat.

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Re: Minigame (spoilers, I guess)
« Reply #20 on: March 07, 2008, 05:19:19 am »
I think I got it in the second or third try....no worries... >_<;;
Is it hard? Maybe I'm just a natural.  ::)

Um, I found that I'd remember the sounds of the notes, make it into a song in your head. Even hum it as you go, that might help ya. ;)
Maybe its just because I know the sounds of the notes quite well, since I like hearing them and stuff.
And remember: its not so hard to remember 8 notes since you re-do the first ones over and over, so try to remember clearly what you heard those 7 other times you went through and then all you have to remember is the last note. ;)

Good luck.
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Offline inkblob

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Re: Minigame (spoilers, I guess)
« Reply #21 on: March 07, 2008, 06:31:54 am »
Quote from: inkblob from another thread
not sure if the Simon says beasty counts as a boss but my strategy with him was to count off the notes ( 1 - 7 ) in the *tones* they were ordered. it made an immediate short term memory pattern and my only problem was co-ordination and speed. it took quite awhile for me to gimp my way up to the beasty's speed and that was just trying to be patient and taking his roaring at me as a scolding reprimand, not as a hostile attack. also I was completly level with him with my notes just a fraction away from his lil eyeballs.
Ellie: Are they from the future too?
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