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Offline Zoko

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Re: Aquaria Boss Strategies
« Reply #135 on: February 13, 2009, 07:18:52 am »
Hey, first post and all.

Anyway, I found the shield to be pretty useful against some bosses. In fact, when fighting Mother Nature, I didn't know that she is vulnerable to energy form shots, and tried to use the shield to bounce off her fireballs back at her until I became frustrated and came here, and found out how to kill her.

I found out about the form-changing-with-keys thing, but was so used to using the mouse to do it that I decided to finish the game that way.

One of my favorite strategies (might've been mentioned before) is against the Creator's first form, which essentially makes him the quickest boss in the game. Basically, if you can set a well-placed thorn up behind his head, it kills him in one hit. (if you can get it in the right spot)
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Re: Aquaria Boss Strategies
« Reply #136 on: February 13, 2009, 08:21:55 am »
AFAIK, that hasn't been mentioned before. Nice one! Welcome to the forums, man. I shall watch your career here very closely.  ;)

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Offline Zoko

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Re: Aquaria Boss Strategies
« Reply #137 on: February 13, 2009, 07:08:56 pm »
Thanks  ;D
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Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Aquaria Boss Strategies
« Reply #138 on: February 13, 2009, 07:18:51 pm »
No to be the party pooper here, but it has been said before.
I found a way to beat the Creator Pt. 1 instantly. all you have to do is shoot a nature form spike behind his head
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Offline Zoko

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Re: Aquaria Boss Strategies
« Reply #139 on: February 13, 2009, 07:30:44 pm »
Yeah someone's bound to have found it out before me, considering I've only recently beat the game.  Still, it's nice to have it out there so other people can use it. (if they want to)
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Offline wsquires

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Re: Aquaria Boss Strategies
« Reply #140 on: February 22, 2009, 06:48:58 pm »
Well, I may as well post these here, then.

I was originally going to do this for all the bosses, but I've kinda lost interest in Aquaria. Stupid world map killing my interest.

So yeah, here's some of the bosses in super Walkthrough depth:

Boss:       Energy God
Location:    Energy Temple
Required Forms: Energy
Attacks:    Let's Get Physical - When you are within range, it occasionally
      lunges and bites at you.
      Let's Get Physical 2 - More often than not, however, it will
      simply reel back then swipe at you. Dodge backwards to avoid it.
      Energy Blasts - It also fired 3 slow non-homing energy blasts at
      you when you are out of melee range.
Hints:       Flashing yellow doesn't mean he's taking damage, however it does
      make him move back. Maybe he's guarding something?
      Forcefields don't just hurt you.
Guide:       This fight contains two parts. The first part requires you to
      blast the God as much as possible to make him move back. This
      reveals a pearl he was guarding. When the God is far enoug back,
       switch to song form and Bind the pearl. Take it far to the right
       to find a socket for it. Once it is in it's socket, change back to
       energy form. Now comes the second part of the fight.
      Move to wherever the God is, he should still be at the back firing
       energy balls at you. Get close enough to him so that he swipes for
       you, then dart back to the right. After swiping he'll crawl
       towards you. Repeat this all the way up to the pearl, then blast
       the pearl (right-click to charge, move the mouse over the pearl
       then fire). This will activate a forcefield that will shock the
       boss if he is in contact with it. Doing this will move him back
       and damage him, forcing you to lure him into it a second time.
      Once you have done it two times, he wises up and stops just short
       of the forcefield when you try to lure him. To hit him this one
       final time, you need to move close, get him to swipe at you, then
       activate the forcefield while his arm is in range of it. This will
       shock him a 3rd and final time, killing him for good.
Rewards:    A vision, a treasure, and a way out of the temple.

Unfortunately , this strategy (for the last phase) doesn't work. The problems are:

1) You can't charge up the triple-fireball quickly enough before he swipes you out of range
2) You can't cast a song/spell while 'dizzy' (after the paw-swipe attack)
3) his paw is out of the way long before your fireballs activate the forcefield/laser
4) There's no way to guarantee he'll only do a specific type of attack (head-lunge vs. paw swipe) If there were some way of forcing him to always go for a head lunge, it might be possible to hide just under his head while charging up, then release at just the right time.
5) You (and your fireballs) slow down if you're hit.
6) His paw-swipe/head-lunge is just too fast (in real time) to allow you to charge up and drop the forcefield even without him successfully landing an attack!

At least not on the Mac version (maybe there's a hotkey on the PC version that let's you hotkey the tripe-fireball song instantly?)

Instead, I had to follow this strategy (and it's not guaranteed, either, especially if you've taken a lot of damage before you get to this point.) Remember to use the save crystal in the side cave before entering this chamber/hallway.

After using the laser/forcefield the requisite two times, use your fireball attack to make him back off. Now carefully lure him forward. Right before he gets to the position close to the forcefield, use the speed burst and cling to the floor just to the left of where the lower forcefield generator is. Charge up and release right before his paw hits you. You'll probably have to make several attempts to get your positioning and timing just right.

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Aquaria Boss Strategies
« Reply #141 on: February 22, 2009, 08:08:22 pm »

Either way, seeing I haven't noticed that post before, I'm tempted to indeed make a boss walkthrough... once my exams are over.
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Offline Zoko

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Re: Aquaria Boss Strategies
« Reply #142 on: February 22, 2009, 08:40:47 pm »
I think he was trying to write a reply but accidentally put it in the quote. 
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Offline Align

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Re: Aquaria Boss Strategies
« Reply #143 on: February 24, 2009, 01:02:03 am »
Hm, never saw that bit the first time around.
Is it right, though? I was sure that the Energy boss would attack depending on what height you swam in front of it at. Like, swimming right in front of its mouth, and it'll lunge with a biting attack, or swim near the ceiling and it'll use its backhand attack, etc.

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Aquaria Boss Strategies
« Reply #144 on: February 24, 2009, 01:13:18 am »
Align is right, I can't really remember if there were nodes in the map or if it was in the script of the energy god that I skimmed through, but I definitely saw it somewhere.
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Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Aquaria Boss Strategies
« Reply #145 on: January 08, 2011, 11:40:39 am »
Okay, now you're just spamming, could you stop making posts that give no content to the original topic AT ALL?
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Offline Bart_Hibbs

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Re: Aquaria Boss Strategies
« Reply #146 on: January 18, 2011, 11:08:22 pm »
You can hold down the control key to charge up a triple shot attack, then keep it held down indefinitely while you swim about. Once charged, and being held, it fires immediately upon release. Then you can lure him into swiping at you and just release the shot at the right time.

Also if you have not noticed, even single shots fire upon release of the control key, not when you press it, at least its that way on my Mac.