Hello, I started playing the full version yesterday and it played fine for 2-3 hours straight before I closed it. When I reopened it later, left and right click actions didnt work. I could still swim and cancel the energy form, click on the menu/minimap, etc, but singing, for example, didnt work. I checked the options and clicked key config and it crashes with Could not find ActionInput: lmb every time. I've looked through the forums and seen this issue a few times, but the fix was to replace the user settings file with another one, and that file is no longer available to download. I've tried reinstalling, deleting the usersettings and default usersettings files, and it still does the same thing no matter what. The demo, however, runs perfectly fine, and I tried to copy that usersettings file over, but nothing changed. It seems as though a lot of data is cached or hidden somewhere else, because even after completely wiping my computer of all things Aquaria, when I reinstall it I get the same error and my save file is still there.