Okies. =^.^=
But let's remember the topic of this thread! xD
Perhaps we could get extra spells that would bend the verse in on itself, compacting it so that it creates a whole new creature (that only lasts for a few minutes), and that creature would fight for the caster? Combined with that past idea of synchronized singing, I think it could be one of the only ways to kill some bosses--to create a temporary group pet to attack them.
So like a pet, but more powerful and temporary? That's a thought. Hmmm, and songs could activate different abilities for it, since having multiple abilities is the easiest way to make summons superior to regular pets.
It doesn't look like people have taken a clear stab at the story for this thing yet in this thread, so first of all, would this thing be pre- or post- Aquaria? A prequel seems easier, considering the condition of the races after the ending. Plus... I've been wondering about this for a while. Would the Verse still exist after the Creator died? I suppose since his creations didn't change afterwards, neither would it, but... eh, I guess I just like to see the Verse as being radiated from the Creator rather than being a part of all of his creations, intertwined with them.