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Author Topic: Mac - cursor resetting  (Read 14337 times)

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Offline someHumblePackUser

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Re: Mac - cursor resetting
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2010, 06:19:59 pm »
Hey, just signed up to tell you that I found the culprit. Gish from the Humble Bundle had the same problem.

On my system at least, it was caused by a piece of software called Osculator, which is handy for playing with wiimotes, iphones, controllers etc. Specifically, it was the "perfect pairing" extension of that application that created some virtual joysticks which behaved weirdly.

The solution is to run Osculator, go to preferences, input tab, then uncheck "perfect pairing". This low-level extension may be there still even though you've gotten rid of the Osculator application itself. In that case, the solution is to download it again, run it and disable that preference. After that, you may uninstall the application, or keep it.

If you use Osculator, you can always disable perfect pairing to play Aquaria, then enable it later.

The author of Osculator was kind enough to help with this, and I've notified him of this post.


p.s. I figured that it had to do something with my mouse / input controls, did not ever think of osculator. Tried launching it without any peripherals, no success. Found this and boom!

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Re: Mac - cursor resetting
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2010, 06:21:58 pm »
I've disabled all joystick entries in the Key Config and I have never installed Osculator, and am still having the issue.  Is there at least an immediate quit key combo I can use so I can test things?  The only way I can get out of it now is by pressing Alt-F2 to access the Run command while the game switches between fullscreen and windowed mode through Alt-Enter, and running killall aquaria.

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Re: Mac - cursor resetting
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2010, 09:43:19 pm »
I never had Osculator installed before but installing it and deactivating "Perfect Pairing" fixed the problem for me.
(On Mac OS X 10.6.3)

Thanks sbn!