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Author Topic: [SOLVED]Windows 7 fullscreen issue caused by comodo  (Read 7368 times)

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Offline nami

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[SOLVED]Windows 7 fullscreen issue caused by comodo
« on: May 09, 2010, 09:22:10 pm »
Hello, i have bit problems with your awesome aquaria game. (slurps-slurps)
Okay, i got the game from Humble Bundle and i believe it's patched. ATI drivers updated recently (yes ATI duh).

Teh problem: first off, default settings from laucher and BLAM black screen. no response what so ever, have to hard reboot.
Disabling fullscreen allows game to run and fine it does. (little side note: takes a lot of CPU though, up to 25% at start).*
Anyway tried to go fullscreen in game, but i am greeted by black screen (now with music hurrah).

I've had this blacky screeny problem with few games.
Half-Life 2 (forcing it DX9 and 32bit fixed it)
World of Goo (easy resolution change -> fix'd)
Lugaru HD (don't even care)
Did go through few threads and tried disabling ATI AI and enabling triple-buffer-was-it? no luck.

Mobo: Asrock p45r2000
CPU: Intel Q9550
GPU: ATI 4890

Surprise solution:
GODDAMNIT, It works! just wanted to try dunno why, but i did. First off Comodo popped and asked me if aquaria could take control over explorer.exe. I was stunned, it never did it before. I guess dat game had crashless run and then Comodo wanted to ask me before next run.. but i'm not complaining hah. Now game runs purrrfectly, happy me.  :)
Oh and Thanks for your help! ;)

*not a problem.
[Edit 1: clean up, specs added.]
[Edit 2: Added surprise solution for other unlucky d00dz]
[Edit 3: Thanks added]
« Last Edit: May 11, 2010, 04:34:43 pm by nami »