Are you kidding me,
this game has one of the best music EVER!I have played alotta games in my life, from Super Mario Bros. on the NES to God of War 3.
But I have never encountered an OST with so much lively music in it.
Alec seriously how do you come up with songs like this? I do not know much about your "Marian" project.
But I seriously hope it's gonna have a brilliant OST like this.
In my opinion, you are on equal grounds with Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy Composer).
My top 5 favourite songs:
1. Worship (Especially the part starting from 4:20)
2. Mother and Father
3. Heart of the Forest
4. Light
5. Sun Temple
And many more of course.
Keep up the good work and hopefully Marian will be as enjoyable as Aquaria. This game was just too brilliant.
But I finished it from head to toe....nothing else to do anymore

Seriously, Derek and you should team up again one day and give this game a perfect sequel.