Alright everyone, here goes nothing! We have, for your pleasure, HUMAN NAIJA WITH LONG, RED HEADBAND!
Feet and ears are no longer webbed, skin is flesh-tone, and I even added a headband which links into an extended cape graphic, which replaces the fin thingy.

I still think the feet ended up a little big (believe it or not, they're already smaller than Li's ), and it'll take someone with actual SCRIPTING KNOWLEDGE to get the headband-to-cape connection looking any better. Additionally, I left certain callbacks to the fishy "dappled" marks on her shoulders intentionally, as I think they now look kinda cute, like shoulder freckles (which some girls are embarrassed about? I always thought they were nice...). However, if people still think the shoulders/upper arms are too tan, I can always lighten them up a bit, though I seemed to think they agreed pretty well with the shading.
Download on dropbox: instructions, naturally, included in the readme.
Suggestions are welcome; I am thinking about maybe changing the hair color to something more normal for a human, as natural pure white really only happens to anime characters (and particularly awesome old people).